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Bill in Form on the Petition of Esther Mazeen
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Committee Report regarding Mohegan Indians
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Letter from Major John Mason to the Connecticut General Assembly
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Letter from Wait Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr
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Memorial of the Mohegan Indians to the Connecticut General Assembly Requesting Leave to Sell Land
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Order on the Memorial of Ben Uncas
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Petition of Ben Uncas
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Petition of Hannah and Moses Shantup to the Connecticut General Assembly
Petition of Henry Matthews
Petition of Henry Matthews and Others of the Mohegan Tribe
Petition of Henry Matthews, a Mohegan, to Confirm Title to Real Estate
Petition of John Cooper and Others
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Petition of John Fitch Overseer of the Mohegan Indians Praying for School Money
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Report by Committee of General Assembly regarding Parcel of Land in Lyme
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Report of Committee on the Petition of Anson D. Cooper and Others, Mohegan Indians, for a Law Prohibiting Sale of Tribe Lands
Report of Indian Affairs (Fragment)
Report of Joint standing Committee on an Act Authorizing the Sale of Indian Lands
Report of the Committee Appointed by the Connecticut General Assembly concerning Mohegan Indian Land
Report of the Committee on the Petition of Cynthia Smith and Others to Sell Real Estate
Report of the Committee on the Petition of Joseph Williams and Others concerning the Mohegan Tribe of Indians
Report of the Committee on the Petition of Roger W. Williams, Esq. of Brooklyn, CT to the Connecticut General Assembly
Report of the Committee regarding Affairs at Mohegan
Report of the Joint Committee on Three Petitions regarding the Sale of Indian Lands
Report of William Hillhouse concerning the Nomination of an Overseer for the Mohegan Indians
Report of William Hillhouse concerning the Nomination of an Overseer for the Mohegan Indians
Report on Status of Surrenderers Living at Shetucket
Resolution Authorizing Payment to the Mohegan Sachem and his Council
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Resolution of the Connecticut General Assembly concerning the Appointment of New Overseers for the Mohegan Indians
Resolution of the Connecticut General Assembly on the Petition of Joseph Bird Joquips Requesting Re-Instatement of Rights
Resolution of the Connecticut General Assembly on the Petition of the Selectmen of Brooklyn
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Resolution of the Connecticut General Assembly upon the Petition of Esther Mazeen
Resolution of the Connecticut General Assembly upon the Petition of Esther Pegee and Others Requesting Leave to Sell Indian Land
Resolution of the Connecticut General Assembly upon the Petition of Hannah and Moses Shantup
Resolution of the Connecticut General Assembly upon the Petition of Roger W. Williams, Esq. of Brooklyn, CT
Resolution of the Connecticut General Assembly upon the Petition of the Mohegan Tribe of Indians concerning Indian Land Held in Severalty
Resolution on the Petition of Joseph Williams and Others concerning the Mohegan Tribe of Indians
Resolution regarding the Salary of William Samuel Johnson
Resolve of the Connecticut General Assembly regarding the Appointment of Overseers for the Mohegan Tribe of Indians
Response of William Samuel Johnson to Committee regarding his Appointment
Return upon Bill of Presentment against John Strothers
Samson Occom's Account of the Death of a Christian Mohegan Indian
Stiles Notes on Mohegan, Podunk, Paugussett, Wepawaug, and Quinnipiac Indians
Stiles' Notes on the Grants of Guilford, Connecticut
Summons for the Mohegan Tribe relative to the Petition of Henry Matthews and Others of the Mohegan Tribe
Summons of Caleb Watson
Summons of Henry Hall
Summons of John Plumb, Jonathan Hill and John Tongue
Summons of Sabyanatoosit
Testimony of Goodwife Osborn
Testimony of Robert Lord
The Examination of Robin Cassasinamon
Thomas Stanton to Major John Mason about a Conspiracy of Indians
Treaty of Hartford (1665 Copy)
Treaty of Hartford (1743 Copy)
Uncas' Map of a Portion of the Pequot Territory
Vote from the Massachusetts Council to Enlist Mohegan for Military Service
Vote of New London Committee regarding Mohegan Lands
William Brewster's Appeal to the General Court against Abimileck, Grandson of Uncas
William Hillhouse's Report on the Funeral of Ben Uncas
Writ for the Sheriff of New London
