Deposition of Keeweebhunt

June 6, 1678

Keweebhunt, an Indian, declares that having killed a deer brought part of it to one Percy’s about sun two hours and a half high towards night and then there Nejudamne and Wauquechauwhoot were making a hedge for said Percy.  And also he was at Mr. Bolles’ house with three parts of a deer, about sun half an hour high, and by Mrs. Bolles' desire left one half with her, at which time she and her children were well; she was about making a pudding.  And then he also left his gun and coat and two deer skins at the house and went with the other quarter of venison to Thomas Williams’ to sell it.  And about half way between Mr. Bolles’ and Thomas Williams’ he met with an Indian called Kesequonunt or Joseph without a gun coming in the path toward Mr. Bolles’ house and when [he] had sold his venison to Thomas Williams he with Nuckquittaty and a squaw came to Mr. Bolles’ house when it was nigh dark and finding the door open went into the house and found a child, making a noise like snoring, upon the floor which he thinking had been asleep.  He endeavored to wake it but perceiving he could not wake it, went to the fire and stirred it up and made a light and then saw that the child was wounded and gasping and Mrs. Bolles with another child lay dead in the floor.  Upon which sight the aforesaid Nuckquittaty stood trembling and asked what he should do. Keweebhunt replied, “For my part, I will go to town and inform what I find.”

This examination was before Major Treat.

            Notation:         Nejudamne [and]  Wauquechauwhoot: These two were Mohegans at work at Mr.

                                    Percy’s about making a hedge about sun half an hour high, at which time the

                                    woman & children were well.

                                    Nuckquitttaty and a squaw went into Thomas Bolles’ house with:         when it was

                                    duskish and found Thomas Bolles’ wife and two children killed.1

Cataloguing:  105a-b, 117  

Miscellaneous: what charge

                                    out Mr. Hamlin.  JW

  • 1. Space left between with and when in the original.