Memorial of the Mohegan Indians to the Connecticut General Assembly Requesting Leave to Sell Land

To the Honorable General Assembly of the State of Connecticut to be holden at New Haven within and for Said State on the Second Thursday of Instant October1

The memorial of the Mohegan Tribe of Indians humbly sheweth that there is a piece of undivided land belonging to said tribe in Mohegan, being a corner piece of land containing about eight or ten acres more or less of land adjoining southerly partly on Thomas Avery's land, easterly on land deducted out be Joseph Ashbow's, one of said tribe, westerly on the undivided land of said tribe and northerly partly on the road and partly on Joseph Fitch's improvement, which piece of land would greatly accommodate said Avery, who is desirous of buying the same and will give the full value thereof and the parting with said land would not in the least incommodate the residue of said Mohegan lands and the monies arising from the sale thereof might be improved to much greater advantage and benefit of said tribe then the said land can be on account of building a school house for the use of Mohegan Tribe.

Wherefore your Memorialist pray Your Honors that your humble petitioners may have liberty to sell and dispose of said bit of land and that our overseers be empowered to sell the same and dispose of the monies for the benefit of said tribe in such manner as shall be the best for the use of said tribe.

And your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray,

Henry Quaquaquid, his mark    
John Cooper, his mark
Solomon Cooper, his mark
Joseph Shantup                       
Joshua Shantup, his mark
John Cooper, Jr., his mark   
Dated at Mohegan, October 3, 1795

Legislative Action:

In the Upper House, the prayer of the within memorial is granted and that a bill in form may be brought in accordingly. Test, George Wyllys, Secretary.  Concurred in House of Representatives. Test, Samuel W. Dana, Clerk / October 9, 1795 / Memorial Mohegan tribe of Indians, October 1795 / Passed in Upper House / Passed in Lower House / Bill / Passed in Upper House / Passed in Lower House / X


28 Memo Enos Ives to be entered on said October 1 / 29 Memo Episcopal Society


43a, 43b, 43c, 43d, 52

  • 1. The second Thursday in October 1795 was the 8th.