Report on Status of Surrenderers Living at Shetucket

Whereas the Lord in his just judgment hath vexed us by a foolish people and those who are no people and hath scourged us by the heathen, the rod of his anger, until his bowels were troubled for us and then he destroyed multitudes and forced some to submit for fear and thus hath given a pa [ hole ] at rod into your hands and many consultations have been how to do faithfully according to the promise made in the day of distress and how to overcome evil with goodness  that coals of fire might be heaped upon the  heads of your enemies by your mercy towards them either for the heat to melt them or to consume them.  And what orders and instructions I have received concerning the remnants of surrenderers1 is well known and what hath been done of late for their settlement is no less than duty for me to give in the account.  The names of the men who with their wives and children are settled at Shetucket, with the consent of the inhabitants of Norwich upon a trial for this year are these following: Kockanampauit with his family, Wintahamon, etc., Uxscean,  Mashantup, etc., Patakeet, etc., Naushanshak, etc.,  Oushpenou, etc., Noquittemaug, Kottini, etc., Mattawaushk, Nuntewawus, Pamberook, etc., Wamtanemaug, etc., Ousenoo, etc., Sunkelaupun, etc., Webekunck, etc., Webequin,  etc., Kitchemoo, Waaessit,  etc., Manaatch,  etc., Washashup, etc., Auwussemaug etc., Mattakumpaui, Quebec, Paapeeguenoo, etc., Akompanit  etc., Yauwantuck, etc., Waaguinegutt, and Massalunit, in all 29, the generality being heads of families.  I am sufficiently informed there are considerable number more abiding with Uncas who doubtless are willing to come and settle with the others, but are merely hindered by Uncas2 and therefore I do humbly beseech you to consider whether if punishment be inflicted it ought not to be upon the sufferers of the wrong, but upon the doers of the wrong.  And Uncas and the Mohegans do commonly say that there are many surrenderers amongst the Pequots and the Narragansetts, but I must leave these and all such considerations with you.  And now honored and beloved, whether I have in these or anything else done you service or not, yet I beseech you charitably to accept of my good will and for the future let me be freed from these concerns.  I do the rather desire it because at present it’s only the civil management of a matter respecting public safety better becoming some other and although I do not discern but that the surrenderers are abundantly contented with their settlement and are glad they are from under the yoke of Uncas, his monarchy, but the fear I have least the Lord of Hosts hath not done scourging us and least I should miss it in my transaction with the heathen to the hazard of public safety.  This very supposition is sometimes too heavy for me to bear, that I cannot but desire you would commit these occasions into the hands of some better able to manage them and so in shall add no more at present but my earnest desires that the good will of Him who dwelt in our burning bush would be with you to direct and bless these and all your public concerns for his glory and for public safety which is the prayer of your humble servant,

James Fitch


May 4, 1678

            Address:           To the right worshipful Governor and Assistants, with the Deputies assembled

                                    at Hartford

            Endorsement:  [ illegible ] Major Treat and Major Talcott [ illegible ] with the Indians

            Cataloguing:    These Papers relating to Major Treat and Major Talcott Treaties with the Indians                           1678


  • 1. The term surrenderers refers to those Indians who fought or conspired against the Colonies and were captured or surrendered during King Philip’s War.  It also includes those natives and their families whom the colonists feared might be complicit, whether they were or not.
  • 2. Uncas sought to have the surrendered Indians live with him or under his authority while the Colony of Connecticut required the surrenderers to settle at Shetucket or reside with specific colonists as servants.