Summons of John Plumb, Jonathan Hill and John Tongue

To the Sheriff of New London County or his Deputy, Greeting

Whereas, information hath been made to this assembled Court of Enquiry in New London that some part of the land sequestered for the use and benefit of the Mohegan Indians has been alienated and laid out unto Deacon John Plumbe, Jonathan Hill, and John Tongue, all of New London.

These are therefore in Her Majesty’s name to require you to summon said John Plumbe, Jonathan Hill, and John Tongue that they forthwith appear at the abovesaid court to answer what may be alleged respecting that matter, and to evidence the truth therein.  You are also to warn the persons above mentioned that they fail not in the premises, as they will answer the contempt at the peril of the law. Hereof, fail not.  Dated in New London, September 27 A.D. 1704

Daniel Wetherell, Assistant

            Certification:    This writ was served on            John Toung, September 27, 1704 by Mr. William

Horsey /  [ illegible ]  writ / Jonathan Prentice,  Sheriff

                                    I,1Mr. William Horsey / My duty to serve the writ John Prentice, Sheriff /

September 27, 1704

            Cataloguing:    60a, 68

  • 1. The name Thomas Prentice was crossed out in the original.