Appointment of Committee to Prosecute any Person that should Buy Mohegan Land

Whereas, it doth appear to the Court that sundry persons hath obtained of Owaneco, sachem of Mohegan, sundry tracts or parcels of land in the County of New London contrary to law.  This Court doth appoint Captain William Ely of Lyme and James Rogers, Jr. of New London, either of them, and they and each of them are hereby fully empowered to prosecute all such offenders in the law to affect for all and every such breach of law, and it is hereby ordered that in any case so brought against any person or persons so illegally obtaining of land of said Owaneco, such person or persons shall have liberty of one appeal to the Court of Assistants directly from the county court where the cause is first tried and nowhere the like liberty is granted to the prosecutor or prosecutors also.  It is further ordered that if the defendant in such action shall not justify, upon such deed or possession or claim, but joineth you not guilty, judgment shall be entered up by the Court where such case is brought against such illegal deed or grant to be illegal and such lands shall be and remain to the possession and improvement of those that it belongeth to by law.

            Notation:                      An act to prosecute any / 1710 /

            Legislative Action:        Passed in the Lower House. Test, Roger Wolcott, Clerk / 1710 /

James Rogers, Jr. and William Ely appointed by the Court to prosecute any person that should buy land of the Mohegans

            Cataloguing:                69, 86i                                    
