Petition of Hannah and Moses Shantup to the Connecticut General Assembly

To the Honorable General Assembly to be Holden at New Haven on the Second Thursday of October 18081

The petition of Hannah Shantup and Moses Shantup of the Mohegan Tribe of Indians humbly sheweth that they, together with Henry Shantup,2 deceased, were the owners and possessors of a certain piece of land lying in said Mohegan containing about3 five acres and is bounded by Peleg Church's land about 1004 rods by Samuel Ashbow's heirs land about 205 rods and by the highway about 1006 rods.  And your petitioners would inform Your Honors that said land is wholly unfenced and is so situated that they cannot improve or rent the same to any advantage.  And your petitioner would further state to Your Honors that the said Hannah is a widow woman and considerably advanced in years, and that your petitioners have had much sickness in their families and have been obliged to contract sundry small debts for doctors' bills, medicine, and other necessaries, which bills, etc., they are unable to pay and discharge, and they would further state that the rents of their other lands together with their own industry is not sufficient to enable them to satisfy said claims and support their families.  They, therefore, pray Your Honors to take their unfortunate case into consideration and grant them liberty to sell said lot of land under the direction of the Honorable William Hillhouse7 or such other person as Your Honors may see fit in order that they may be enabled honorably to discharge their said debts. 

And they as in duty bound will ever pray,

Hannah Shantup, her mark
Moses Shantup, his mark
Dated Mohegan, October 1, 1808

Legislative Action:

In the Upper House, the prayer of the foregoing petition is granted with liberty of a bill, etc.  Test, Samuel Wyllys, Secretary.  Concurred in the House of Representatives with the Governor and Council in their vote hereon.  Test, Samuel Rowland, Clerk / Petition of Hannah Shantup and Moses Shantup / October 1808 / Granted Upper House / Concurred House of Representatives / Bill / Passed House of Representatives / Passed House of Representatives / Concurred Upper House / Copy Paid / Entered


76 a, 76 b, 76 c, 76 d, 102, 103

  • 1. The second Thursday of October in 1808 was the 13th.
  • 2. Deleted Text: since
  • 3. Deleted Text: Ten
  • 4. 100 is written over 140.
  • 5. 20 is written over 25.
  • 6. 100 is written over 130.
  • 7. Deleted Text: James Little, Esq., one of the overseers of said tribe