Committee Report regarding Mohegan Indians

To the Honorable the General Assembly,

Your Committee take leave to propose that the Governor  and Council, by themselves, or persons to be appointed by them, as soon as the commission, etc., comes from the agent, or sooner if the governor thinks proper to search the records, files, etc., and draw up the best defense that they can, and that the same with the records and pass under the inspection and review of such judicious persons as may be named by the Governor and Council,  that so the best method may be taken to defend our just rights, the matter being of so much consequence we think the utmost care is necessary.  And since the proper evidence cannot be had at this place, that we know of, to detect those that have by their ill managements, endeavored to render ineffectual, what the government hath done in their own defense; therefore, we think it best to let that matter rest.  All which is humbly submitted by,

James Wadsworth

John Marsh

John Bulkley

Samuel Willard

October 28, 1737

            Legislative Action:        In the Lower House, the above report of the committee read and approved.

                                                Test, John Russell, Clerk.  In the Upper House, the above report of the

                                                committee read and approved.  Test, George Wyllys, Secretary.

Committees’ report, etc. /  October 1737 /  Passed Lower House / Passed Upper House  / Copy within

            Cataloguing:                236
