Fowler, Jacob Hoscott, 1803 - 1851

Jacob Hoscott Fowler was a member of the Mohegan tribal community in Montville, Connecticut.  He became the husband of Sally Tecomwas in 1830.  The couple had Anna E., Julia Tracy, Edwin Courtland, and Cynthia M. Fowler.  Jacob made his living at sea as a whaler or sailor for over forty years.  He was a crew member on the following ships:  the Connecticut (1825), the Ann Maria (1828, 1829), the John & Edward (1833, 1840), the Julius Caesar (1833), the Mogul (1842), and the Izaak Walton (1844).  Upon his return from sea, he may have been a farmer like many of the other Mohegan whalers.  On March 23, 1836, he and Sally joined with other Mohegans in signing John Tantaquidgeon's petition to the Connecticut General Assembly requesting to have certain rights in the community's land.  A little over a month later, the couple added their names to a petition attesting to the good character of Charles Wyyougs, a relative of Sally's sister-in-law. In 1850 he and his wife were once again signatories to a petition to the Connecticut General Assembly, this time protesting the ability of several individuals of selling shares in Mohegan Tribal lands.  Jacob died the following year.  Love, Samson Occom, 353.  Mohegan Census 1830. Obituary of Cynthia M. Fowler, Find A Grave. Indian Cemetery, Fort Shantock, Montville, CT, Hale Collection of Cemetery Inscriptions, CSL. Registers of Seamen's Protection Certificates, Mystic Seaport. New London Crew Lists, 1803-1878, Mystic Seaport.  Petition of John Tantaquidgeon and Others to Divide Tribal Lands. Petition of Charles Wyyougs and Others; Remonstrance of Anson D. Cooper and Others 

c. 1803
August 29, 1851