Bill in Form on Petition of Charles and Esther Cooper

Upon the petition of Charles and Esther Cooper of Mohegan praying that a part of their land may be sold and the avails thereof expended in building a house, and that some meet person be authorized to sell said land, and build said house as per petition on file dated 26th April, 1831 will shew.

Therefore, resolved, that Ralph Hurlburt, Esq. of Groton be and he is hereby authorized to sell a certain tract of land containing sixteen acres which came to said Esther by descent from her brother1 and is bounded as follows easterly by land of Peleg Church,2 southerly by land of James Stoddard, and westerly by land of John Tantaquidgeon and northerly by land of the heirs of Joseph Horsecoat and to give to the purchaser a by deed under his hand and seal which shall convey to said purchaser a good and valid title to the premises in said deed described and the avails of said land to expend in erecting a house for the said Charles and Esther and to render his account of said sale and expenditure to the County Court for New London County, and said court shall adjust and settle the same.

Legislative Action:

Bill in form on the Petition of Charles and Esther Cooper / House of Representatives, May Session 1831, Passed, Attest., Charles P. Huntington, Assistant Clerk / In Senate 1831, Concurred,  Attest., Charles M. Emerson, Clerk / May 28, 1831, Approved, John S. Peters



  • 1. The identity of this brother is unknown.
  • 2. In 1807, Esther Pegee, along with Josiah, Ann, and Elizabeth Horsecoat sold Church this parcel of land at Mohegan. Montville LR 11: 403.