Acceptance of the Committee Report regarding Salary of Special Agent

To the Honorable General Assembly Now Sitting at New Haven

Your committee appointed to confer with William Samuel Johnson, Esq., now appointed agent on the subject of his salary and allowances for expenses, etc., while he is in the service of the colony and consider what is reasonable to be allowed and granted him therefor, and report our opinion thereon report that having conferred with said Mr. Johnson are of opinion that he be allowed one hundred and fifty pounds sterling,1 while in the service of the colony and if he should be in said service longer than one year, then a [ illegible ], exclusive of his expenses of agency and for his extraordinary clothing and that he be allowed for all his expenses and his clothing as aforesaid, and that he be allowed fifty pounds sterling to be paid him out of the colony treasury in part of and towards the payment of his said expenses and that Mr. Agent Jackson be ordered to furnish said William Samuel Johnson, Esq., such sum or sums as he shall have  occasion for while in England and he, the said William Samuel Johnson, Esq., to account with this colony for such monies as he shall receive of said Mr. Jackson.

All which is submitted, signed per order 

Eliphalet Dyer

Legislative Action:

General Assembly, October 1766 In the Upper House, the foregoing report of the committee is accepted and approved and that that a bill be brought in accordingly.  Test, George Wyllys, Secretary.  Concurred in the Lower House. Test, William Williams, Clerk



  • 1. Deleted text: Per Annum