Resolution regarding the Salary of William Samuel Johnson

Resolved by this Assembly that William Samuel Johnson, Esq., be allowed one hundred and fifty pounds sterling for his service as agent for this colony at the Court of Great Britain, and if he continued in said service longer than one year, then after that rate per year, exclusive of his expenses for agency, and for his extraordinary clothing, and that he be allowed for his expenses and his clothing as aforesaid, and that he be allowed fifty pounds sterling to be paid him out of the colony treasury in part of and towards the payment of his said expenses, and the treasurer is hereby ordered to pay the same accordingly,  and that His Honor, the Governor, be and he is hereby desired to order Mr. Agent Jackson to furnish said William Samuel Johnson, Esq., with such sum or sums of money as he shall have occasion for while in England, and that he account with this colony for the same.1

Legislative Action:        Passed in the Upper House. Test, George Wyllys[, Secretary.  Concurred in the Lower House.  Test, William Williams, Clerk / October 1766

Cataloguing:                 272

  • 1. Deleted text: monies, as he shall receive of said Mr. Agent Jackson