Committee Report concerning Uncas' Complaints

For hearing Uncas’ complaints,

Firstly, the committee, having considered what Uncas hath to say respecting his squaw’s1 rights to Hammonasset, we do find that all Uncas’ claims, whether real or pretended unto all the lands between Connecticut River and Guilford up Connecticut River twelve miles2 and half way from Guilford unto Mattabeset are alienated by Uncas unto Mr. Fenwick and the inhabitants of Saybrook and Guilford, except only six acres of land at Hammonasset and his royalties upon this land this Uncas owned before the Committee which fully clears up the English title from Uncas.

Secondly, complaint being made that some English have made cellars within a few miles of Norwich both within the bounds of the said town stated by the court and sold by Uncas to the inhabitants of that town this committee doth judge it unequal that any English should endeavor to possess themselves of that which Uncas claims to be within his bounds, bought of Uncas by Norwich town and stated upon the said town by the General Assembly of this jurisdiction. And these English thus building upon Uncas’ bounds sold and confirmed to Norwich without any application to the general court which we judge irregular.

Thirdly, complaint being made to the committee that diverse Indians do hunt upon Uncas’ limits, we do desire the magistrates of Hartford and Windsor to prohibit the Connecticut Indians from hunting upon Uncas’ bounds or any way molesting him in his Indian royalties.  And this committee do declare themselves willing that some meet season be taken to hear the difference between Uncas and the Indians of Quinebaug which cannot be done at this time, none of Quinebaug Indians being now present. And Thomas Tracy and Francis Griswold are desired to warn the Indians of Quinebaug not to hunt within Uncas’ limits.

William Leete3

Samuel Wyllys

Robert Chapman                                                                    

New London, November 13, 1665

Certification:    I do find that the lands between Connecticut River and Gilford were alienated either unto Mr. Fenwick or Saybrook and Guilford by Uncas but unto which I do not determine.  Samuel Wyllys

Cataloguing:  5, 6

  • 1. Uncas had several wives. He married the daughter of Sebequanash, the sachem of Hammonasset, around 1640. The couple had at least one son, Ahaddon (Attawanhood/Joshua). According to John Winthrop, Jr.’s medical journal, Sebequanash’s daughter, the squa sachem, left Uncas for Seacut, the sachem of Windsor. Winthrop’s Medical Journal. Michael Leroy Oberg, Uncas: First of the Mohegans (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2003), 89.
  • 2. The phrase “30 Mile Island” has been crossed out. Thirty Mile Island, now called Haddam Island, is situated in the lower Connecticut River. It takes its name from the mistaken belief that it lay thirty miles from the mouth of the river. In actuality it is only seventeen miles.
  • 3. William Leete’s signature was originally the first of the three but was at some point cut out of the document, ostensibly by an autograph collector. It was written in at a later point underneath that of Robert Chapman.