Copy of the Order for a Committee to Repair to Mohegan on the Occasion of the Death of the Indian Sachem

At a General Assembly of the Governor and Company of the Colony of Connecticut holden at Hartford on the second Thursday of May A.D. 1769

On information of the death of Ben Uncas, Sachem of the Tribe of Indians at Mohegan, considering the necessity of taking care of their welfare and preventing the difficulties and disputes which may arise among them concerning the establishment and installment of a sachem and also concerning the way and manner of their improvement of the lands sequestered by the Governor and Company of this colony for their use, this Assembly do appoint Gurdon Saltonstall, Jabez Hamlin, Pygan Adams, and William Hillhouse, Esqs., to be a committee forthwith to repair to Mohegan and collect and call together so many of said tribe as willingly shall attend and meet with them on the present occasion to consult what is best to be done relative to a sachem for said tribe and what is needful to prevent any difficulties and disputes which have arisen or may be likely to arise among them concerning the improvement of their said lands and generally to enquire after the best ways and means to promote the good agreement and welfare of said tribe and make report to this Assembly.

Notation:          Committee to repair to Mohegan / Occasion of the death of the Indian sachem / May 1769

Copy:               A true copy examined by George Wyllys, Secretary

Cataloguing:    284
