Agreement between Uncas and Arramanet (Copy 2)

This writing witnesseth that Uncas, Sachem of Mohegan, in behalf of himself and people of Mohegan and Niantic, do hereby engage him and them to Arramamet, Seacutt, and Nesahegen, gentlemen of Connecticut, in behalf of the Indian people at Windsor, Podunk, Hartford, that they will carry it peaceably and neighborly towards them and the aforesaid Indians, and that they will not either secretly or publicly contrive or practice any evil or mischief against them.   And the aforesaid Arramamet, etc., engage that they and the aforesaid Indians on the river will carry it peaceably towards the aforesaid sachem and his people, and that they will neither plot not practice any evil against the said Uncas or his people.  And whereas there is a difference about the bounds of lands and royalties belonging to the said sachem and Arramamet.  It is agreed between them that the dividing bounds shall be at Ashawauge to Wonggunshoak and so to Washiack and from thence northerly, from which bounds the land and royalties on the east shall be and remain to Uncas and his heirs. And from the said bounds on the west to Connecticut River shall be to Arramamet and his heirs, and this our agreement, and that we oblige ourselves and our heirs to stand to the same.  We testify by subscribing our marks.
It is agreed that Arramamet shall not appropriate unto himself any of the land that is on the south side of the path that goes from Thomas Edward’s to Mohegan.
Uncas, his mark
Arramamet, his mark
Seacutt, his mark
Nesahegen, his mark
Quanampewott, his mark
This writing above was signed and delivered in presence of us who were appointed by the General Assembly to hear and endeavor the said Indians’ compliance with the full and free consent of both parties.  John Allyn, William Wadsworth, Thomas Stanton
Connecticut / Agreement between Uncas and Arramamet 1666 / Duplicate / [ cut ] all his land to[ cut ]Connecticut Major [ cut ]sequestration [ cut ] consent to Owaneco / No
Recorded out of the original this August 3, 1666, per Daniel Clark, Secretary
The above written is a true copy taken out of the Public Records of her Majesty’s Colony of Connecticut in Book the Second, page: 231.  Test, Eleazar Kimberly, Secretary
33a, 33b, 40