
The Quinnipiac are the Indigenous inhabitants along the Atlantic shoreline of what is now New Haven, Connecticut to Madison on the east and as far north as Meriden.  During the early 17th Century, they were trading partners with the Dutch, who called them the Quiropy.  Decades later, the prominent leaders were Montowese, Momaugin, and Shaumpishuh.  With the advent of English colonization after the Pequot War, the community removed to what may be New England's first Native American reservations in Mioonkhtuk (East Haven), Totoket (Branford), Menunkatuck (Guilford), and part of Quinnipiac proper (North Haven).  After much land loss in the 18th Century, some community members removed to Waterbury or merged with either the Paugussett or the Tunxis in Farmington before migrating westward in the Brothertown movement.  Other Quinnipiac remained in Connecticut, living and working in shoreline towns, sometimes selling baskets or other Indian wares.  The Quinnipiac are not presently one of Connecticut's recognized tribes, nor do they have government-to-government relations with the federal government.  For a more complete history of the tribe, see John Menta, The Quinnipiac: Cultural Conflict in Southern New England (New Haven, CT: Peabody Museum of Natural History, 2005).

Dutch map (detail) showing the 17th Century Quinnipiac (as Quyropey) territory: Nicolaas Visscher II (1649-1702), NOVI BELGII NOVAEQUE ANGLIAE NEC NON PARTIS VIRGINIAE TABULA, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, the Dutch National Library.  Image courtesy of Wikipedia.

Related Documents

Abraham Pierson's Petition to the Commissioners of the United Colonies of New England
Account of Adam
Articles of Agreement between Theophilus Eaton, John Davenport, and Others and Momaugin, Sugcogsin, Quesaquauch, Caroughood, and Wesaucucke
Articles of Agreement between Theophilus Eaton, John Davenport, and Others, and Montowese, son of an Indian sachem living at Mattabesec
Certification by Branford Selectmen Regarding Hannah Rushick
Committee Report on the Petition of Adam
Connecticut General Assembly Resolve Appointing Committee to Superintend Affairs of Tunxis
Connecticut General Assembly Resolve on the Affairs of the Tunxis Indians
Connecticut General Assembly Resolve on the Petition of Adam
Copy of Papers concerning John Jeffery's Assault on Quibus and Others
Deed from Hezekiah Wadsworth to Samuel Adams et al.
Deed from Susannah Wawawos to Adam
Depositions on the Death of Two Persons and the Wounding of Two More
Grand Jury Indictment against Cuppocosson
Inquest on the Sudden Death of an Indian Child
Letter from Robert Treat to Connecticut Council
Memorial of Adam
Memorial of Adam (1766)
Notes regarding the Stone Piles Based on a Conversation with an Unnamed Indian
Petition of Giles Sylvester to the Council for Foreign Plantations
Remembrances of John Hubbard and Caleb Gardiner and the Quinnipiac and Narragansett Indian Populations
Resolution upon Petition of Adam Indian
Rev. Thomas Ruggles, Jr.'s Explanation of Sachem Head Harbor
Stiles Notes on Mohegan, Podunk, Paugussett, Wepawaug, and Quinnipiac Indians
Stiles' Census of Branford, Connecticut
Stiles' Description of the Indian Fort at East Haven, Connecticut
Stiles' Map of Dragon (Fair Haven, Connecticut)
Stiles' Map of Killingworth and Guilford, Connecticut
Stiles' Miscellaneous Notes on Indian Words
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Stiles' Notes on the Indians of Guilford, Connecticut
Stiles' Notes on the Quinnipiac Indians
Stiles' Notes on the Quinnipiac of East Haven
Stiles' Notes on the Quinnipiac of East Haven
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Stiles' Notice of Nantucese & Ann, Natives in Guilford
Stiles' Sketch of Indian Fort in East Haven
Town's Deed of Indian Land
