Memorial of Adam

To the Honorable General Assembly to be held at New Haven on the Second Thursday of Instant October
The memorial of Adam, an Indian Native belonging to Farmington, for himself and the rest of the tribe
of Indians lately dwelling at East Haven, humbly showeth that your memorialists have a small interest in lands, value about thirty pounds, lately adjudged to them by Your Honors, which on account of their present situation being removed away from said East Haven, they are desirous of selling.
Whereupon your memorialists humbly pray that Your Honors will enable them to make sale of their said remaining right under the direction of some suitable person and the purchase monies in like manner to be laid out and disposed of,
And your memorialists, as in duty bound, shall ever pray,
Adam Indian, his mark
Dated at New Haven, October 10, 1768
Cataloguing: 168