
Nausup or Quotobacco was the son of Shaumpishuh, the squa sachem Menunkatuck band of the Quinnipic, and Nashump, and the brother of Quinnipiac leaders Shambisqua and Keyhow (James).  His wife was Tunkhoenk, the daughter of Nahuntoway, a Paugusset sachem.  After the death of Shaumpishhu, he was a sachem in his own right of the Meunkatuck at East Haven and at Guilford, Connecticut.  Nausup (as Quotobacco) was a signatory to the April 20, 1683 deed to an agent of the New Haven Colony.  Three years later, he negotiated a confirmatory deed of his mother’s grant as well as a transfer of some his property in North Guilford to the English colonists at Guilford, Connecticut with a reservation of usufruct rights.  Menta, The Quinnipiac Indians, 13-14, 45, 57-58, 144.

Before 1645
After 1686