Resolution upon Petition of Adam Indian

At a General Assembly of the Governor and Company of the Colony of Connecticut holden at New Haven on the Second Thursday of October A.D. 1766                      

Upon the petition of Adam, an Indian, one of the Natives and descendants of the New Haven or Quinnipiac Indians, in behalf of himself and the rest of said tribe, representing to this Assembly that by the ancient transactions of the proprietors of said New Haven, there was reserved for the use of said tribe, three pieces of land at or near south end, so called, in said New Haven, the whole containing about thirty acres, which lands John Morris, late of said New Haven, deceased, by a certain instrument under his hand and seal dated 26th day of April 1741 for himself, his heirs, etc., covenanted with the said proprietors in behalf of said tribe to keep in proper condition and fenced for the use of said tribe for planting.  That said Morris afterwards conveyed away said lands absolutely, and the same by mean conveyances have come to Timothy Tuttle, Jr. and Joseph Tuttle of said New Haven, who, having entered upon said land so reserved for said tribe, refuse to suffer any of them to make any improvement thereof, praying for relief as per petition on file.  Also praying to have some suitable person appointed agent to conduct the said Indians said affairs for them.

Resolved by this Assembly that Nathaniel Ruggles and Nathaniel Hill, Esqs., of Guilford and Samuel Barker, Esq., of Branford be and they are hereby appointed a committee to hear and take into consideration all the matters contained in and referred to in said petition, and make report thereof with their opinion thereon to this or the next General Assembly at their sessions at Hartford in May next.  And also that Mr. Samuel Bishop, Jr. of said New Haven be and he is hereby appointed agent for said Indians to manage and conduct for them and in their behalf.

Notation: Act of Assembly / Adam Indian vs Timothy Tuttle / Duplicate

Copy: A true copy of record, examined by George Wyllys, Secretary

Cataloguing:    40a, 40b, 51