Deed from Susannah Wawawos to Adam

Know all men by these presents that I, Susannah, Indian woman, widow, of Farmington, alias Tunxis Sepos, in the County of Hartford and Colony of Connecticut in New England, that for the sum of twelve pounds money in hand received of Adam Indian of said Farmington and, therefore, do give, grant, sell, and confirm unto him, said Adam Indian, his heirs, and assigns forever, one certain track of land situate lying within the township of said Farmington, containing about three acres and half of land lying on the backside of Pequabuck meadow west from the Indian wigwams on the west side of the highway running by the common fence, lying in length on the south side thirty rods in length on the north side twenty-seven rods in length width at the west end thirteen rods at the east end ten in width, which is bounded east on highway,[1] west on an old ditch, south with land under the improvement of Cusk and Solomon, Indians, north on Indian common land to have and to hold said given and granted premises with the appurtenances thereof unto him, the said Adam Indian, and unto his heirs and assigns to his and their own proper use and behoof.  Moreover, I, the said Susannah Squaw, do hereby for myself, heirs, executors, and administrators covenant with him, the said Adam Indian, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents, I am well seized of said given and granted premises as good indefeasible estate in fee simple, and that I have good right in myself to give and grant the same in manner and form as is above written, and that the same is free of all encumbrances of title whatsoever.  Also, I, the said Susannah Squaw, do hereby bind myself, heirs whatsoever forever hereafter to warrant, secure, and defend said given and granted premises unto him, the said Adam Indian, and unto his heirs and assigns against all claims and demands whatsoever.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal,
Susannah, Indian squaw, her mark and deal
March 14, 1746/47
Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of John Hart, Solomon                                 
Susannah, Indian squaw, who executed the foregoing deed came in person and acknowledged the same to be her act and deed before John Hart, Justice of the Peace, [ blot ] Hartford in the jurisdiction of Farmington, the day and year above written
The foregoing deed received the day aforesaid and recorded, per John Hart, Registrar

[1] Deleted Text: common land