Grand Jury Indictment against Cuppocosson

Cuppocosson thou art indicted by the name of Cuppocosson for that thou didst on the 26th day of August last about two of the clock in the afternoon not having the fear of god before thine eyes, by the instigation of the Devil, willfully and maliciously, with intent to kill John Evarts of the Town of Guilford, fired a gun at him.  The said Evarts loaden[1] with large drop shot which piercing his head, neck and breast mortally wounded him of which wounds he immediately died, for which fact, according to the laws of God and the laws of this colony, thou deservest to die.
So many of the grand jury, as have these names under written, judge the person indicted, to be truly indicted for manslaughter.
John Yale
Daniel Sherman
John Smith
Joseph Smith
Henry Allin
Andrew Ward
Thomas Hotchkiss
Samuel Stone
James Bennet
John Ball
Samuel Bassett
John Gallop.
Gentlemen of the Grand Jury,
If you find not the prisoner guilty of willful murder, you may bring in what you find him guilty of, that is either manslaughter or chance-medley or manslaughter in his own defense by underwriting the indictment as follows, that is, we find him only guilty of manslaughter in his own defense.
John Gallup, Foreman.
Cataloguing:     387
Oct 1705

[1] heavily laden