Browse Annotated Transcriptions

To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


At a General Court held at Boston the 7th of 3rd month1 1662  

To You, Esq. Governor, and Council in Cambridge.
May it please Your Excellency,

Province of the Massachusetts Bay

To His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq., Captain General and Governour, Etc., to the Honorable His Majesty’s Council and House of Representatives in General Court Assembled This Second Day of April A.D. 1761


Facts in regard to the Difficulties at 1 Marshpee


To the Honorable General Assembly of the State of Connecticut to be Holden at New Haven on the Second Thursday of October Instant1

In the House of Representatives, April 9, 1761

On the petition of Joseph Metack praying that a sum allowance may be made him over and above the five pounds already granted, for the reasons mentioned, voted that the sum of forty shillings be granted (and paid out of the Treasury to the Honorable Benjamin Lincoln, Esq. for the use of the petitioner in full for his services in Captain Dunlap's Company as mentioned in said petition.


List of Voters in Marshpee, December 1835      


William Amos                    

Commonwealth of Massachusetts
To the District of Mashpee, debitor 
To the support of Lois Pells
from November 1, 1861 to December 31, 1862, 60 weeks at 9/ per week       $ 90.00
clothing for the same                                                                                    4.82
To the support of Sylvia Casco

Province of the Massachusetts Bay                                                                                                                                                                          

To His Excellency Francis Bernard Esq., Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over Said Province, to The Honorable His Majesty’s Council and House of Representatives in General Court Assembled


Reverend James Walker, D. D.

Dear Sir,


