Browse Annotated Transcriptions

John Gray[1] of lawful age testifieth and saith that in the Sabbath night before last, I went with several others to watch at Mr.

Jonathan Pettit[1] of lawful age testifieth and saith that some time in the month of June last, (if I remember right) Timotheus[2], an Indian, who had lately lived at Sharon but, since they had sold to Thomas Barnes[3], had moved away, came to my house and expressed himself in a very earnest manner about the land which the Indians had once lived upon and claimed in Sharon.  He seemed to be desirous that I should a

An account of expenses laid out for the country from August 1645 until this 8th of October 1646.

First for the printing of five hundred declarations                                                                                           04.  00.  00

Item for the diet and washing of the two Indians since the 3rd of the 8th month: hitherto                                  

considering the attendance of the younger being a very child. what you think meet                                        16.  00.  00

Joseph Jackson[1] of lawful age testifieth and saith that in the Sabbath night before last, I was upon the watch with several others at Mr.

The Governor and Company of the Colony of Connecticut to Thomas Fitch[1]

                                                                                                Debit                            Credit

April 1738

                                                                                                £  S   d

            To my journey from Norwalk to Hartford to

To the Honorable General Assembly of the Colony of Connecticut to be Holden at Hartford on the Second Thursday of May A.D. 1755

In obedience to Your Honor’s instruction, we the subscribers on the 5th day of February 1755, after we had sufficiently notified the Indians (as we supposed) of the Assembly’s intention, repaired to Sharon, expecting to meet the Indians but was disappointed, some of the Indians not being there, whom we

To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts                 


To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General Court Assembled

To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts                        

The undersigned respectfully represents that she is a member of the Ponkapog tribe of Indians, that she now has an annual grant from the Commonwealth of the sum on fifty-dollars, that in consequence of the feeble state of her health that sum is insufficient for her comfortable support.              

