Browse Annotated Transcriptions

The committee appointed to take into consideration the subject matter of a letter from the Mohegan sachem as also General Johnson[1]’s speech to some of the Mohawks and Stockbridge Indians beg leave to report our opinion thereon as follows, viz., that the Mohegan Indians be advised to cultivate the good harmony subsisting between them and the Mohawks and other tribes of Indians in alliance with the English in such manner as to them may seem meet.

To the Honorable Governor Talcott[1]


I, the subscriber, being for some years ago appointed agent or overseer to the Pequot Indians in Groton in

To the Honorable the General Assembly to be Holden at Hartford on the Second Day of Instant May 1757

On the memorial of Benjamin Uncas[1] and others of the Mohegan Indians representing to this Assembly that Colonel James Wadsworth[2],  sometime since appointed by this Assembly with others to be an overseer of said Indians and their estates, declines[3] to serve any further therein and praying that some suitable person may be appointed in his room and stead.

Upon the memorial of Benjamin Uncas[1], Sachem of the Mohegan Indians, in behalf of his tribe, lamenting the death of Samuel Lynde[2], Esq., late one of the overseers of said Indians aforesaid, praying this Assembly to appoint Captain Matthew Griswold[3] in the room of the said Samuel Lynde, deceased, and that they may have a colony law book to be lodged with their present schoolmaster, Mr.
