Petition of Julia Ann Dailey to the Massachusetts General Court

To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General Court Assembled

Respectfully represents Julia Ann Dailey of Oxford in the County of Worcester, widow, that she is one of the Dudley Tribe of Indians under guardianship of said Commonwealth, that during the last five years she has resided in Oxford and previously in the towns of Webster and Dudley, where she was born, that she has never received any assistance from said Commonwealth, or from the fund held in trust by said Commonwealth for the benefit of said tribe of Indians, or from their guardian, although she has been and is now poor and entirely dependent on her daily labor for the support of herself and family, that about fourteen years since, she received into her family an infant child, Martha Ann Fiske by name, one of said tribe of Indians and entitled to assistance or support from said Indian fund, that said Martha Ann was then and has ever since been a cripple, being so afflicted with the rickets as to be unable to support or assist herself except by occasional sewing, that during this period of fourteen years, the said Julia Anna Dailey has boarded, clothed, and otherwise provided for and supported the said Martha Ann Fiske at her own expense without receiving any assistance or compensation therefor from the Guardian of said Indians from the Commonwealth or from any other source; wherefore, she prays that she may have allowed and paid to her our of said fund a reasonable compensation for her services and expenses in the support of said Martha Ann Fiske.

And as in duty bound will ever pray,

Julia A. Dailey


Attest, Charles D. Bowman, Oxford, November 13, 1848


We, the subscribers, certify that we have been acquainted with the abovenamed Julia Ann Dailey for a number of years, that we believe the facts stated in her petition to be true and correct, and that, in our opinion, fifty cents a week would be no more than a reasonable compensation in this vicinity for the services and expenses above stated.  Selectmen of Oxford / Erastus Ormsbee, Ira Merriam, Samuel Aldrich.  Selectmen of Webster / Hiram Allen, Chandler Fay, George Dixon

Samuel E.Slater, Samuel E. Slater
Lydia R.Slater, Lydia R. Slater

Amos Shumway, Guardian of the Dudley Indians1

Legislative Action:

Petition, Julia Ann Dailey, Oxford, for compensation from the Indian Fund for the support of one of the Dudley Indians. Presented by P. Perkins of Oxford. House of Representatives, January 16, 1849. Referred to the Committee on 2 Claims.  Sent up for concurrence.  C. W. Storey, Clerk.  Senate. January 17, 1849.  Concurred,  Charles Calhoun, Clerk


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  • 1. Shumway's name, written in light blue ink, was inserted within the list of Dudley community members. It has been brought out and placed at the bottom of the list for annotation purposes.
  • 2. Deleted Text: Probate and Chancery