Eastern Pequot Overseer Account from March 1829 to June 1831

Pequot Indians in account with Silas Chesebrough

March 9

To balance due on settlement with the Court
 $    20.83
To paid 81 cents court fees, one day settling with court 2 dollars           
March 14
To one half bushel potatoes for Cyrus Shelly 
[ text worn, illegible ]
March 21
To paid at George Hewitt's store for Cyrus Shelly, Jr.
To one half bushel potatoes for Cyrus Shelly 
To three pounds pork and 4 quarts meal for Moses 
To three quarters pound candles and two quarts meal for Isaac Fagins 
March 24
To one half bushels potatoes for Moses 21 cents, cash to Isaac Fagins 13 cents  
March 27
To seven and three quarters yards cotton shirting1 at 14 cents   and seven yards cotton plaid2 at 14 cents for Isaac Fagins    
To cash to Cyrus Shelly 50 cents order on Dudley R. Wheeler 67 cents for Isaac Fagins
March 31
To paid Cyrus Shelly at William Moss
March 31
To paid Rufus Fanning as per bill          
March 31
To paid Betsy Wheeler for board and care of Philena   
April 1            
To cash paid Cyrus Shelly one dollar
April 1
April 4
To two quarts molasses for Cyrus
April 5
To four quarts meal, three pecks potatoes and one pound candles for Esther Waugs (while sick) 
April 7
To one quart molasses, six pounds codfish, and one quart vinegar for Esther Waugs
April 8
To one quart vinegar for Esther 
April 8
To one half bus corn for Cyrus Shelly 
April 14
To one quart molasses for Esther Waugs           
April 15
To paid Betsey Wheeler 4 dollars in full for board and care of Philena 
April 17
To one quart molasses for Esther
April 22
To one quart molasses and three pounds pork for Esther
April 23
To one half bushel potatoes for Esther and two quarts meal for Esther   
April 2
To one and three quarters yards cotton stripe at 15  cents for Moses Brushell
April 29
To leather for shoes for Tyra Ned 
To cotton cloth for apron for Tyra Ned 
May 15
To one half bushel potatoes and cash 25 cents for Tyra 
May 18
To cash paid Hannah Shelly 2 dollars
May 19
To seed corn for Isaac Fagins 
May 22
To one peck corn for Tyra 
May 22
To ten yards shirting for Lucinda Brushell
May 22
To seven yards calico at 23 cents, seven yards shirting at 12, one half cent one cotton handkerchief 34 cents bought of Dudley R. Wheeler as per bill for Tyra
May 29
To cash paid Tyra 25 cents    
June 26
To one half bushel corn and one half bushel potatoes for Isaac
July 2
To two and one half pounds butter for Tyra 
July 25
To two window sashes with twenty-four lights3 in them for Cyrus Shelly
August 6
To one pair shoes for Philena 
August 14
To one half bushel corn for Cyrus and order on William Moss 25 cents 
To one pair of thick shoes for Moses
August 25
To two quarts molasses 21 cents, cash 25 cents order on Dudley R. Wheeler, 25 cents for Cyrus
October 14
To paid Polly Shelly 3 dollars at Dudley R. Wheeler's
October 20
To paid Miss Mercy Wright school bill against Pequot Indians the past summer
To two pounds nails for Cyrus and one half bushel corn for Cyrus
November 19 
To paid Shubael Whitney for coffin as per bill   
To iron and chain to confine Lucinda Brushell4
November 23
To six pounds pork, one half bushel potatoes and four quarts meal for Lucinda
To one quart molasses for Tyra
November 25
To twenty-five pounds beef and four bushels potatoes for Lucinda delivered [by] Moses
November 29
To one quart molasses, three quarts meal and one milk pail for Lucinda
November 30
To four quarts meal for Lucinda
December 3
To one pound butter, four pounds rice and one half bushel corn for Lucinda
December 5
To three quarts meal, one pound rice, and one chamber for Lucinda       
December 12
To one quart molasses and four and one half pounds old pork for Lucinda
December 21
To two one half pounds lard, one pound candles, and one half bushel corn for Lucinda
December 27
To one pair shoes bought of Dudley R. Wheeler for Tyra
December 28
To one quart molasses for Lucinda
To board and nails for Isaac Fagins to repair his house
December 31  
To an old panel door and one pound shingle nails for Isaac Fagins
January 8
To one quart soap and four and one half pounds pork for Lucinda
To one half bushels corn for Lucinda
January 21
To sheet, shirt, and cap for Lucinda for grave clothes
To coffin for Lucinda made by Mr. Sisson
January 25
To one peck corn for Tyra
February 24
To paid Moses Brushell for care of Lucinda Brushell twelve weeks at 75 cents while she was sick
March 5
To one half bushels corn and one bushel potatoes for Isaac Fagins
March 6
To sixteen yards cotton shirting at 6 pence for Isaac Fagins
March 20
To one peck corn for Tyra         
March 22
To one half bushel Rogers potatoes for Isaac Fagins
April 9
To one gallon molasses for Isaac Fagins 
April 10
To three hands and yoke oxen one day putting up line fence 2 dollars, fifty rails and thirty stakes to repair line fence $2.50
April 11
To cash to Cyrus Shelly 1 dollar and six bushels potatoes $1.50 cents
To yoke oxen and plow  one and one half days plowing for Cyrus 
hay found therein       
April 15
To order on George Hewitt for shoes and cloth for Tyra
To one bushel potatoes for Isaac Fagins
May 26
To ten bushels potatoes for Isaac Fagins
To one half bushel corn for Isaac Fagins
To fifteen rails and thirty stakes to repair line fence      
May 26
To eight bushels potatoes for Moses oxen and cart one half day on garden
June 5
To four quarts meal and two pounds pork for Wealthy Ned
June 9
To one half bushels potatoes for Tyra 13 cents and one half bushel corn for Wealthy Ned 375
June 15
To one half bushel corn for Nancy Skeesucks
June 22
To one half bushel corn for Cyrus Shelly, Jr.
June 23
To one half bushel corn and one half bushel potatoes for Moses
June 23
To three pounds pork for Cyrus 24 cents, peck potatoes for Tyra 6  cents  
July 2
To one half bushel corn three and one half pounds pork and one quart salt for Moses     
July 3
To one half bushel potatoes for Moses 12  cents paid Cyrus 34 cents at George Hewitt's
July 6
To eight and three quarters pounds pork for Cyrus 70  cents, two and one half pounds pork, and one quart vinegar Moses 25 cents 
July 9
To three peck potatoes, 1 pound pork, and four quarts meal for Tyra
July 12
To one half bushel potatoes and three pounds pork for Moses
To one half bus potatoes and four quarts meal for Cyrus
July 14
To cash paid Richard Ned wife6 2 dollars 
July 14
To cash paid Thomas Ned's wife 3 dollars
To one half bushel corn and one half bushel potatoes for Moses
July 16
To cash to Moses 50 cents and one half bushel potatoes   
July 17
To one half bushel corn and cash 50 cents to Cyrus               
July 23
To four pounds three ounces pork and cash 50 cents  for Moses
July 28
To five pounds beef and one pound butter for Moses         
July 30
To paid Richard Ned 1 dollar. Tyra 2 / at George Hewitt's store 
August 3
To one pair shoes for Tyra $1.25        
August 7
To four and one half pounds pork for Moses 36  cents, cash to Sarah Pompey 2 dollars
September 20
To one padlock for Tyra Ned
September 26
To one half bushels corn and six and one half pounds beef for Moses
October 6
To five pounds beef for Moses 20  cents
November 9
To paid Miss Hannah Turner's school bill against Cyrus Shelly 84 cents, Nancy Skeesucks 36 cents, Moses Brushell 36 cents
December 6
To one pair shoes for Tamer Brushell          
December 8
To eight and one half yards bed tick for Tyra at 25 cents
December 9
To one half bushel corn for Tyra 34 cents and one pair thick shoes $1.25 
December 13
To boards for Isaac Fagins to repair his house
December 15
To one half bushel corn for Cyrus, 37  cents and boards and nails to repair his house 75 cents    
December 20
To one half bushel corn for Nancy Skeesucks           
January 7
To one half bushel corn for Tyra
January 25
To one half bushel corn, four pounds pork, and one peck potatoes for Tyra
February 4
To one half bushel corn for Isaac Fagins and one half bushel for Cyrus
To basket stuff for Cyrus Shelly
February 15
To one half bushel corn and 1 dollar cash for Isaac Fagins 
February 19
To one half bushel potatoes for Tyra
To keeping Tamer Brushell, a child of Moses Brushell, three months at 50 cents week
To one new woolen frock and making for Tamer Brushell
To two new shirts and one cotton frock for Tamer Brushell       
To keeping John Brushell, a child of Moses Brushell, two months at 50 cents
March 4
To ten yards cotton shirting of George W. Moss for Isaac Fagins at 9 pence yard
To three pecks corn and cash 25 cents for Isaac Fagins
March 7
To cash to Betsy Tikens 2 dollars
To four oxen and one hand, one day each, drawing wood for Cyrus
To sole leather for Shantup7         
To one bushel corn and four pounds pork for Shantup 
March 7
To one bushel potatoes for Isaac Fagins 25 cents, one half bushel corn for Betsy Tikens 37 cents
March 11
To one half bushel corn for Isaac Fagins 37 cents, one half bushel corn for Cyrus 33 cents
March 12
To cash to Isaac Fagins 50 cents and one half bushel corn 37 cents
March 17
To one half bushel corn for Cyrus 37 cents, one half bushel corn, six and one half pounds pork for Tyra [ torn ]
March 26
To one half bushel corn for Cyrus 37 cents, twelve quarts corn, and one half bushel potatoes for Isaac Fagins 40 cents
April 2
To paid Tyra 63 cents at Dudley R. Wheelers one half bushel corn for Cyrus 37
April 22
To cash to Betsy Shelly 2 dollars, one half bushel corn for Tyra 37 cents
May 6
To cash 3 dollars and three pecks corn for Isaac Fagins
To cash paid Cyrus Shelly 1 dollar paid Sary Pompey 2 dollars
May 18
To Nancy Ned $2.50, one half bushel corn for Cyrus 37
May 20
To one bushel potatoes, one peck corn, and cash 10 cents to Cyrus
May 24
To three bushels potatoes for Cyrus 75 cents, one peck corn Isaac Fagins 19 cents
May 28
To one half bushels corn and six pounds pork for Cyrus
May 30
To cash 50 cents and one half bushel potatoes for S. Shantup8
June 4
To cash to Polly Shelly 3 dollars
June 4
To two quarts molasses, six quarts meal, and one pound cocoa for Elsa Ned
To cash paid Betsy Tikens 1 dollar
To two and one half bushels potatoes for Isaac Fagins
June 10
To cash 50 cents and one half bushel corn for Thomas Ned
To four quarts meal, cash 25 cents, and two pounds lard for Shantup
June 18
To cash paid Hannah Shelly 3 dollars
By two years rent of Indian pasture up to April 1, 1831, at $85.00
Balance due 
$   37.38
Judicial Action:
Silas Chesebrough Account, Overseer to Pequot Indians.  Accepted, John DeWitt, clerk.  Fees Paid
  • 1. A general term for any fabric used in making men's or women's shirts. The Fairchild Books Dictionary of Textiles, 556.
  • 2. Commonly used to describe the tartan pattern of colored stripes or bars that cross each other at right angles forming squares. The Fairchild Books Dictionary of Textiles, 462.
  • 3. Window panes
  • 4. It is unclear why an iron and chain were used on Lucinda Brushell. Such physical restraints were used in the 19th century for people who had seizures, fits of violence, or were suffering from mental illness. The record is silent with respect to Lucinda.
  • 5. The number eight was crossed out and replaced with seven.
  • 6. Wealthy Nedson
  • 7. Most likely, this refers to Samuel Shantup.
  • 8. The S here could be Sarah or Samuel Shantup.