Shon, Sarah, - 1841

Sarah Shon married John Pomp or Pompy on January 29, 1799.  She and her husband found themselves on the wrong side of law, in December of 1811, when they were involved in a theft case in New London.  Shortly thereafter in September of 1813, their nearly fifteen-year marriage ended in divorce.   

It wasn’t long before Sarah Pomp again saw the inside of a courtroom.   In early April 1815 she, Silas Aaron, and Prudence Robinson stood accused of stealing 60 dollars’ worth of clothing and cloth from Newcomb Kinney of Norwich.  Ultimately, it was Sarah Pomp that was tried and convicted of the theft.  

By 1822 she was residing in North Stonington and was still using the last name Pomp or Pompey. Sarah Pomp appeared throughout the records of the State appointed overseer for the Eastern Pequot Tribe for the time period 1822-1841.  During which time she received goods and services from the tribal fund and credit from the rental of her share of tribal lands. In February of 1839 and in October of 1841 she, along with nine other Eastern Pequots signed petitions requesting a new overseer for the Tribe. She died in April of 1841, her burial shroud and funeral paid for by the Tribe. 

Brown and Rose, Black Roots, 314; NLCC: Files, Box 292, April 1815; NLCC: PbS, Indians, Eastern Pequot; Petition of the Eastern Pequots to the New London County Court, February 8, 1839, Stonington Historical Society

Sarah Pompey
Sarah Pomp
April 1841