Waugs, Esther, 1809 - 1829

While her ancestry remains unclear, Esther Waugs was a member of the Eastern Pequot community by birth or through marriage.
She first appeared in the records of the overseers of the Eastern Pequot Tribe from October of 1828 until the end of April 1829. The accounts indicate that she was compensated for providing a bed and care for James Abner in his final days, suggesting an on-reservation or at the very least a near reservation residency. 
Within a year Esther herself would be deathly ill suffering from consumption.  In the months preceding her death, she received goods and services from the tribal funds.  In addition to staple food products such as meal, codfish, potatoes and pork, Esther ordered much vinegar and molasses, in a two week period alone, she consumed one gallon of molasses and two quarts of vinegar.  It is possible she made switchel from the ingredients, a popular restorative tonic, used to treat consumption during the 19th century. 
The overseer of the tribe ordered a coffin for her in the middle of April 1829, but the records of the North Stonington Congregational Church indicate she died months later on August 10th, a victim of consumption, or tuberculosis.
Brown and Rose, Black Roots, 453; Records of the North Stonington Congregational Church 1727-1887; NLCC: PbS, Indians, Eastern Pequot.  Sources for this biography also come from the Related Digital Heritage Items listed below.

ca. 1809
August 10, 1829