
To the Honorable General Court Now Assembled

The request and declaration of your servant humbly sheweth that whereas your servant was formerly employed in two several expeditions against the Pequot Indians, and whereas the Honored General Court formerly have been pleased upon consideration of the like service to confer certain quantities of land upon several persons, among whom your petitioner understands his own name also was presented or mentioned, but the thing being not made known to your servant, it hath hither to lain dormant.


Laid out for Captain George Denison in the Pequot Country according to a grant made unto him by the General Court of Massachusetts bearing date October 16, 1660, two hundred and fifty acres of land, be it more or less, being a neck of land commonly called Weekapaug Neck or Muksquatah, bounded towards the west with a pond and land granted to the College

At a General Court held at Boston the 7th of 3rd month1 1662  

The humble declaration of Harman Garrett (alias Wequashcook) unto the honored General Court humbly sheweth, 

To the Honorable General Court now assembled at Boston      

The humble petition of William Trask of Salem and some others that served under him in the expedition against the Pequots, humbly showeth,


To the Honored Governor, Deputy Governor, and Magistrates, together with the Deputies now assembled in the General Court,
