Massachusetts General Court's Approval of a Captain George Denison's Land Grant

Laid out for Captain George Denison in the Pequot Country according to a grant made unto him by the General Court of Massachusetts bearing date October 16, 1660, two hundred and fifty acres of land, be it more or less, being a neck of land commonly called Weekapaug Neck or Muksquatah, bounded towards the west with a pond and land granted to the College1, having a white oak marked on four sides, standing upon a little hill near a small swamp with a round rock near it, between the said land and the college land, running from the said tree to the head of the pond southerly, bounded towards the east with a brook called Weekapaug Brook; and on the south with the sea and on the north with the wilderness.

July 4, 1661

Court Action:

This Court approves this return on condition that it interferes not with former grants nor exceed three hundred acres.  The magistrates have passed this with deference to the consent of their brethren, the Deputies hereto.  Edward Rawson, Secretary.  Consented to by the Deputies, William Torrey, Clerk, August 13, 1661.


Captain Denison’s farm laid out / July 4, 1661 / Entered 1661



  • 1. Harvard College