Petition of Captain William Trask and Others for a Grant in the Pequot Country

To the Honorable General Court now assembled at Boston      

The humble petition of William Trask of Salem and some others that served under him in the expedition against the Pequots, humbly showeth,

Whereas your petitioners understand that several gentlemen have land granted and laid out at the Pequot’s Country that was; and others are likely to put in for more who it may be never sweat so much for it as some of us bled on it and for their service. These therefore humbly pray the court to consider of it and in their wisdom to appoint such a portion of land and some meet man to lay it out or in their goodness shall think meet.  And your petitioners shall ever remain.

Yours ever obliged,

William Trask

       Legislative Action:  In answer to this petition, the deputies think meet to grant Captain Trask four

                                    hundred acres of land in the place desired with reference to the consent of our

                                    honored magistrates hereto. / William Torrey, Cleric.

for himself and other soldiers under him / Consented to by the magistrates /

Richard Bellingham, Deputy Governor

Cataloguing:  89
