Reconfirmation of Sequassen's Deed to Samuel Stone and William Goodwin

Whereas our predecessor Sequassen, sachem of Suckiage, alias Hartford, did about the year 1636, by a writing under his hand, pass over unto Mr. Samuel Stone and Mr. William Goodwin, in the behalf of the present proprietors and owners of the lands belonging to the township of Hartford, all that part of his country from a tree marked N. F., which is the divident between Hartford and Wethersfield, we say from the aforesaid tree on the south, till it meet with Windsor bounds on the north, and from the great river on the east, the whole breadth to run into the wilderness towards the west full six miles, which is to the place where Hartford and Farmington bounds meet, which grant of Sequassen, as occasion hath been, was by him renewed to the honoured John Haynes, Esq., and other the first magistrates of this place, and enlarged to the westward so far as his country went; which enlargement as well as his former grant was made in presence of many of the natives of the place and English inhabitants ; and several years after, about the time of the planting of Farmington in the year 1640, in a writing made between the English and Pethus, the sachem or gentleman of that place, there is a full mention of the aforesaid Sequassen his grant of his country to the magistrates of this place, which grant we are privy too; and we, being the only successors of Sequassen, and proprietors (before the forementioned sale) of the lands belonging to the township of Hartford on the west side of the great river, being desired to confirm and pass over all our right and interest in the aforesaid lands to the present possessors of them, they informing us that those writings made by Sequassen before recited are at present out of the way, knowing what our predecessor hath done, and what consideration he hath received for the same.
We, Massecump and William Squa, in behalf of ourselves, and Wawarme, the sister and only heir of Sequassen, and Kipoquam, Seacutt, Jack Spinner, Curricomp, Wehassatuck Squa and Seacunck Squa, the only inhabitants that are surviving of the aforesaid lands, do by these presents own, acknowledge, and declare that Sequassen, who was the sachem of Suckiaug, alias Hartford, and grand proprietor of the lands adjacent, did with the consent of those of us who were of age to declare our consent, and with the consent of the rest of the inhabitants of this place, about the year 1636, pass over unto Mr. Samuel Stone and Mr. William Goodwin, in behalf and for the use of themselves and their company, all the land from Wethersfield bounds on the south to Windsor bounds on the north, and the whole breadth from Connecticut River on the east six large miles into the wilderness on the west, which said grant was afterwards upon further consideration renewed and enlarged by the said Sequassen, upon the desire of the honoured Mr. Haynes and the rest of the magistrates of this place.  But, we, being informed that on the removal of some of the gentlemen aforementioned, the papers and writings, before specified, are out of the way, and having now received of Mr. Samuel Wyllys, Captain John Talcott, Mr. John Allyn, and Mr. James Richards, a farther gratification of near the value the land was esteemed at before the English came into these parts, to prevent all farther trouble between ourselves and the inhabitants of Hartford, we, the said Massecump, William Squa, as aforesaid, and Seacutt, Kipoquam, Jack Spinner, Curricomp, Wehassatuck Squa, and Seacunck Squa, upon the consideration forementioned, by these presents have and do fully, clearly, and absolutely give, grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff, and confirm unto Mr. Samuel Wyllys, Captain John Talcott, Mr. John Allyn, and Mr. James Richards, in behalf of the rest of the proprietors of the land belonging to the township of Hartford, their heirs and assigns forever, all that parcel of land from a tree marked N. F., being a boundary between Wethersfield and Hartford on the south, to Windsor bounds on the north, and the whole breadth of land from Wethersfield to Windsor bounds from the great river on the east to run into the wilderness westward full six miles, which is to the place where Hartford and Farmington bounds meet.  To have and to hold all the aforesaid parcel of land as it is bounded, with all the meadows, pastures, woods, underwood, stones, quarries, brooks, ponds, rivers, profits, commodities and appurtenances whatsoever, belonging thereto, unto the said Mr. Samuel Wyllys, Captain John Talcott, Mr. James Richards, and Mr. John Allyn, in behalf of themselves and interest of the inhabitants of the town of Hartford, who are stated proprietors in the undivided lands, their heirs and assigns, to the only proper use and behoof of the said Mr. Samuel Wyl!ys, Captain John Talcott, Mr. John Allyn and Mr. James Richards, as aforesaid, their heirs and assigns forever, and the said Massecump and William Squa, in behalf of themselves and Wawarme, the sister of Sequassen, and Seacutt, Kipoquam, Jack Spinner, Curricomp, Wehassatuck Squa, and Secunck Squa, do covenant to and with the said Mr. Samuel Wyllys, Mr. John Talcott, Mr. James Richards, and Mr. John Allyn, that after and next unto the aforesaid Sequassen, they, the said Massecump, William Squa, Seacutt, Kipoquam, etc., have only full power, good right, and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell, and convey all and singular the before hereby granted or mentioned to be granted premises with their and every of their appurtenances, unto the said Mr. Samuel Wyllys, Mr. John Talcott, Mr. John Allyn, and Mr. James Richards, as aforesaid, their heirs and assigns forever, and that they, the said Mr. Samuel Wyllys, Mr. John Talcott, Mr. .John Allyn, and Mr. James Richards, and the rest of the proprietors of the undivided lands within the bounds of the township of Hartford, their heirs and assigns, shall and may by force and virtue of these presents, from time to time and all times forever hereafter, lawfully have, receive and take the rents issues and profits thereof to their own proper use and behoof forever, without any let, suit, trouble or disturbance whatsoever to the heirs of Sequassen or of us, the said Massecump, William Squa, Seacutt, Kipoquam, Jack Spinner, Curricomp, Wehassatuck Squa, and Seacunck Squa, our heirs or assigns, or of any other person or persons whatsoever claiming by, from, or under us or any of us or by our means, act, consent, priority, or procurement, and that free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted, exonerated and discharged or otherwise from time to time, well and sufficiently saved and kept harmless by the said Massecump, William Squa, Seacutt, and Kipoquam, etc., their heirs, executors, and administrators from all former and other grants, guilts, bargains, sales, titles, trembles, demands, and incumbrances whatso- ever had, made, committed, suffered, or done by the aforesaid Massecump, William Squa, Kipoquam, Seacutt, etc.
In witness whereof, they have signed, sealed, and delivered this writing with their own hands,
Massecump, his mark, seal
Seacutt, his mark, seal
Jack Spinner, his mark, seal
Seacunck Squa, mark, seal
Curricomp, his mark, seal
Kipoquam, his mark, seal
William Squa, mark, seal
Wehassatuck Squa, mark , seal
Nesacannett gives consent to this grant and bargain, as he witnesseth by subscribing
Nesacanett, his mark, seal
July, 5, 1670
Signed, sealed, and delivered, in presence of
Arramamet, his mark
Mamanto, his mark
Nesahegen, his mark
Atumtucko, his mark
Wannoe, his mark