Curricomp I

Born before 1620 into a prominent family from Suckiaug (Hartford, Connecticut), Curricomp was a follower of Sequassen, the territory's grand sachem.  In 1636, Curicomp and others of his community declared their consent with Sequassen in conveying a six-mile parcel of land to English settlers.  By 1670, he is called one of the "onely inhabitants that are surviving" of Suckiaug in a confirmatory deed of that land.   in 1688, he was among those "visitor Indians" who witnessed the choice of Wawowos and Shum as tribal leaders as proposed by William Wadsworth and Captain John Stanley.  His descendants later lived among the Tunxis.
Manwaring, A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records, Vol. 1, Hartford District, 1635-1700, 65-68. Love, Colonial History of Hartford, 97.  Sources for this biography also come from the Related Digital Heritage Items listed below.
Before 1620
After 1670