Deed from Toxcrunk to William Higganson

This writing made this June 8 in the year of Our Lord 1709 between Toxcronock, an Indian belonging to Farmington, in the County of Hartford and Colony of Connecticut in New England on the one party and William Higginson of the aforesaid town, county, and colony on other party, witnesseth that I, the aforesaid Toxcronock for and in consideration of fifty shillings in current lawful silver money in hand received of the aforesaid Higginson and other good and lawful reasons me thereunto moving, I have given. granted, bargained, and sold, and by these presents, I do give, grant, bargain, sell, and pass over unto the aforesaid Higginson, to him, his heirs, and successors, to have and to hold forever one parcel of land lying and being situate in the Township of Farmington aforesaid in the place commonly called the Indian Neck, containing by estimation three roods more or less, it being grassland, lying bounded and described as followeth.  In part easterly and northerly on the middle of a gutter or grimlet called the boundary of Sue's land, and, in part, easterly on Ebenezer Steele's land, and southerly on said Steel's land, and westerly, part on said Steele's land and part on Captain John Hart's land and part on Hannah Squa, her land, this parcel of land, thus prescribed, with all the appurtenances thereon and thereto belonging of the [ illegible ] aforesaid Toxcronock do remit, release, and relinquish all my former right, title, power, claim, and interest, yielding, giving, granting, and surrendering the said power, claim, and interest to the aforesaid Higginson, his heirs, and successors to hold forever, assuring the aforesaid Higginson that I have lawful right to the land mentioned in the premises and the same to convey and the same convey, sell, and pass over as aforesaid, and I, the aforesaid Toxcronock, do hereby covenant for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators with the aforesaid Higginson, his heirs, and successors that the land mentioned In the premises is and shall be free of all former encumbrances, and that the aforesaid Higginson, his heirs, and successors shall and may improve the same as he and they see cause, warranting the same to be to the aforesaid Higginson, his heirs, and successors a good [ illegible ] and lawful estate in fee simple.
In witness hereunto I have signed, sealed and delivered this instrument
Toxcronock, his mark and seal
In the presence of us witnesses, John Wadsworth, Thomas Barnes     
Toxcronock, the signer and sealer of this foregoing instrument came personally and acknowledged the same to be his free act and deed before me, William Wadsworth, Justice of the Peace, September 18, [1709]
A true copy of a deed received for record, June 27, 1733, per John Hooker, Registrar
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