Wangunk Petition to the Connecticut General Assembly

To the Honorable General Assembly of the Governor and Company of the Colony of Connecticut Now Sitting at Hartford in Said Colony
We, the subscribers, Indians of the Tribe of Wangunk1 in Mattabesett, alias Middletown, in said colony, beg leave to inform Your Honors that it is our joint desire to make sale of our lands at said Middletown, we being all removed from thence and settled in other places, one squaw2 and two children only of our tribe now remaining on said lands, and we likewise desire Your Honors to appoint the Honorable John Chester, Esq., and Messieurs Elisha Williams, William Welles, and James Wadsworth, Jr., Esqs., a committee to adjust and determine our several claims and rights and the claims and rights of the rest of our said tribe to said lands, more especially that made by the Wobinhums in right of Old Wobinhum, who was of said tribe, and to advise, assist, and direct us and the rest of said tribe in said sale, and to pay to such of us as shall choose the same the money that shall be found our proportion of the moneys arising from said sale, and to set out a part and divide their share of said land to such of said tribe as shall choose to continue to hold and possess their share of said land, and to decide and determine all disputes and controversies that do subsist or may arise among us relative to said lands.
Witness our hands,
Naomi Wobinhum, her mark
Hannah Squamp alias Adams, her mark
Ann Cochepens, her mark
May 29, 1765
Cataloguing:    146a, 146b
  • 1. Several of the petitioners were the husbands of Wangunk women and not born members of the tribe. Hannah Squamp's husband, Samuel Adams, for example, was a Quinnipiac who had recently relocated to Farmington, Connecticut. Hannah Mamanash's husband was Samuel Ashbow, a Mohegan. James Wawowos and James Cusk were also affiliated with the Tunxis at Farmington.
  • 2. Deleted text: person. The individual mentioned here could be Mary Cushoy (Tykens).