Sanchuse, Moses, - 1773

Moses Sanchuse was a member of the Tunxis Indian community who had family ties to the Wangunk proprietors of Middletown.  He may have been the son of Peter Sanchuse I (1693-May 1736) of Wangunk or Peter Sanchuse II (d. 1755) of Farmington, Connecticut, both who were descendants of the sunksqua Pewampskine.  In May of 1765, he was signatory to a Wangunk petition to have a committee appointed with power to sell the land and distribute the proceeds to individual members or assign them shares of land, should they wish to hold on to it.  In October, Moses was one of nine who signed a letter directed at the “all [their] Indian Brethren” of Southern New England, encouraging them to participate in the Brothertown migration.  It is unclear whether Sanchuse removed to upstate New York.

After 1773