Deed from Atumtoco, et al. to John Stanley

[1]Know all men by these presents that we, Atumtoco, Wawowos, and Patucko,[2] with the rest of us Indians that have hereafter subscribed now living at Farmington within the County of Hartford in New England for and in consideration of ten shillings in money and five pounds [3] in Country pay to us in hand received well and truly paid by John Stanley of Waterbury on the account of fifty acres of land granted to the heirs of John Warner, being willed to William Higginson, as appears by the record of the Court,[4] we say by us received, and the receipt thereof, and every part thereof, is hereby acknowledged by us, the abovesaid Atumtoco, Wawowos, and Patucko, with the rest of us Indians that have subscribed, and we herewith are fully satisfied, contented, and paid, and thereof and of every part thereof, do by these presents fully acquit, exonerate, and discharge the said John Stanley, his heirs, executors, and assigns forever, and for divers other good causes and considerations, we, the said Atumtoco, Wawowos, and Patucko, with the rest of us that have subscribed hereunto moving, have given, granted, bargained, sold, alienated, enfeoffed, assigned, set over, and confirmed, and do by these presents, fully, clearly,[5] and absolutely give, grant, bargain, and set over,[6] enfeoff, assign, set over, and confirm unto the said John Stanley, his heirs, executors, and assigns forever all the estate, right, title, interest , use, property, possession, claim, and demand whatsoever, we, the abovesaid Indians, Atumtoco, Wawowos, with the rest that have subscribed, have had, or in time to come, might, ought, or should have in or to fifty acres of meadow land lying northward of Waterbury bounds, at the meeting of the two branches of the river in the point between them a lying to the eastward in a part and the rest up the northward branch, adjoining together only the river parting in several places. We say to have and to hold fifty acres of meadow within the compass prescribed to him, his heirs, executors, and assigns forever with all the profits and privileges and appurtenances thereon or thereto belonging, and do confirm to the said John Stanley, his heirs, and successors forever, and by these presents remit, release, relinquish, resign, surrender the same, as is above promised, and the said Atumtoco, Wawowos, and Patucko, with the rest that have subscribed for ourselves and heirs and successors do covenant, agree, and promise to and with the said John Stanley and his heirs, and executors, administrators, and assigns in manner and form as followeth that we, the said Atumtoco, Wawowos, and Patucko, with the said John Stanley and, at the time of signing and delivering this instrument, have full power, good right, lawful authority to give, grant, bargain, sell, deliver, and convey all the above bargained premises and every part of them unto the abovesaid John Stanley, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns forever, as by these presents, we have done, and that it is free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted of and from all manner of other gifts, grants, bargains, sales, mortgages, entailments, judgments, executions, seizures, and encumbrances whatsoever, and that the said John Stanley on the day of the date hereof, and from time to time forever hereafter, shall and may quietly, peaceably, have, hold, use, occupy, possess, and enjoy all the above bargained premises and every part thereof without any let, suit, trouble, molestation, eviction, ejection, disturbances, denial of us, the said Atumtoco, Wawowos, Patucko, with the rest that have subscribed or our heirs, executors, administrators, or successors, or any other person or persons whatsoever by our means, default, privity, consent, or procurement without any other condition, limitation, use, or other thing to alter, change, or make void the same forever, warranting the same, and defending the same by these presents, giving to the said John Stanley, by these presents, full power to enter and record all the above bargained premises to himself, his heirs, and successors forever in any public notary where it may or ought to be recorded.
In witness whereof, we have set to our hands and seals,
Atumtoco, his mark and seal
Wawowos, his mark and seal
Patucko, his mark and seal
Mamanto's daughter, Spinning Squa, her mark and seal
Nanapash squa, Ahamo's sister, her mark and seal
January 23, 1687
Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of John Wadsworth, Sr., William Lewis, Sr.
A true copy of the original instruments which I received to be recorded, September 11, 1714, per John Hooker, Registrar
202, 203
[1] A copy of this deed was recorded into the Farmington Land Records, Book 4, by John Hooker on November 19, 1722.  Variant words or additional phrases not appearing in this version are noted on that document. 
[2] In this document, Patucko is given as Quatucko.
[3] words ten shillings added in other copy
[4] Warner's will, dated March 14, 1678/9 gave to his son-in-law, William Higginson, 1/4 part of his farm at Crane Hall, 1/4 part of his meadow lot called Moore's Corner, 1/4 part of his land at Fort Hill, and 1/2 of his dwelling house, home lot, and barn.  Higginson also received Warner's Great Swamp lot, 1/4 part of all Warner's Farmington land, and the land Warner obtained from Connecticut for service in the Pequot War.  The will was proved on December 4, 1679.  Charles William Manwaring, A Digest of the Early Probate Records, Hartford District. 1635-1700, Vol. 1 (Hartford, CT: R.S. Peck & Co., 1904) pp. 375-376.
[5] Alternative version has freely
[6] The words "set over" are replaced by "sell, alienate" in the alternate copy.