Deed of Uriah and Lucy Cesar to Timothy Hart Root

To All People to Whom These Presents Shall come, Greeting
Know you that we, Uriah Ceasar of Farmington in the County of Hartford and Lucy, his wife, for the consideration of eighty-eight dollars received to our full satisfaction of Timothy H. Root of said Farmington do give, grant, sell and confirm unto the said Timothy H. Root one piece or parcel of land situated in said Farmington, with the barn thereon standing, being part of the 7th lot in the Indian grant on division, and came to the said Lucy by heirship from her father, Solomon Mossuck, deceased, and contains one acre and fifty-nine rods, butted south on land of Captain Timothy Root, north on highway, east on our own land, now improved by Widow Eunice Mossuck as her right of dower, west running to a point.
To have and to hold the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances thereof, unto him, the said Timothy, his heirs and assigns forever, to his and their own proper use and behoof.  And also, we, the said Uriah and Lucy, do for ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administrators, covenant with the said Timothy, his heirs, and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, we are well seized of the premises as a good indefeasible estate in fee simple, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as is above written, and that the same is free of all incumbrances whatsoever.
And furthermore, we, the said Uriah and Lucy, do, by these presents, bind ourselves and our heirs forever to warrant and defend the above granted and bargained premises to him, the said Timothy H. Root, his heirs, and assigns, against all claims and demands whatsoever.
In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals,
Uriah Cesar
Lucy Cesar
December 6, 1806


Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of John Mix, Anna G. Mix, Hartford County in the jurisdiction of Farmington, December 6, 1806. 


Personally appeared Uriah and Lucy Cesar, signers and sealers of the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the same to be their free act and deed before me, John Mix, Justice of the Peace

We approve of this deed, Timothy Root, Ezekiel Cowles, Committee for superintending the sale of Indian land.
