Petition of Jacob Chalcom to the Massachusetts General Court

To His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq., Captain General and Governour in Chief, in and over His Majesty’s Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, to The Honorable His Majesty’s Council and House of Representatives in General Court Assembled

The Petition of Jacob Chalcom of Natick in the County of Middlesex in said Province, Indian, humbly sheweth that your humble petitioner, although he never had any land given in Natick as most of the rest of the Indians have had; yet he has purchased considerable quantities of land therein, besides that the lot of about thirty or forty acres, on which his house stands and he lives, and particularly he has purchased, a lot of about three or four and twenty acres, lying at some distance from him and not convenient, which with some he may (if he be able) purchase so as to will make it up thirty acres, and whereas there is a lot of land of about twenty acres, lying much more convenient for your petitioner and which he has a prospect of buying if he can, having ten acres of his own land lying adjoining, and so that your petitioner cannot go to his own without going across said twenty acres; and whereas although he has paid for by far the greatest part of what he has purchased yet he owes some considerable still, and further your petitioner stands in great need of a small barn, for the better security of his corn, hay, cattle, etc., which he can't build without selling his cattle which would greatly hurt him.  Your petitioner, therefore, most humbly prays that Your Excellency and this Honored Court will please to grant him liberty and power to sell to such English person or persons as shall appear to purchase the same [1] twenty-five or thirty acres of his said lands lying at a distance; the proceeds thereof to be laid out in purchasing said twenty acres of it be to be had (as he believes it is) and the overplus to help him to pay his debts and if still remain to enable him to build a barn and pay his said debts, which of Your Excellency and this Honored Court in your great wisdom and goodness, shall see meet to grant.


Your Petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray, etc.,


Jacob Chalcom

Natick, December 10, 1739


Legislative Action:

In the House of Representatives, December 12, 1739.  Read and committed to Mr. Sherman[2] and Mr. D'Aith to consider this petition and report thereon.  In the House of Representative,  December 15, 1739.  Read again ordered that the prayer of the petition be granted, and the petitioner is hereby allowed and empowered to make sale of the land mentioned in the petition for the most the same will fetch in proceeding therein to observe the directions in the Act of the Province of the sixth year of the reign of his late Majesty King George Chapter Third relating to Real Estates, and John D'Aith, Esq., with such as shall be joined by the Honorable Board are hereby desired and empowered to be aiding and assisting the petitioner and see justice done him in the premises the produce thereof to be applied towards purchasing land more convenient for him and the overplus (if any there be) to pay his debts and enable him to build a barn.  They to render an account of their proceedings herein to this Court. Sent up for concurrence. Josiah Quincy, Speaker. [3] In Council, December 26, 1739.  Read and Non-concurred. Simon Frost, Deputy Secretary, December 11, 1739


A Petition of Jacob Chalkcom, Indian, December 26,1739


263, 234


[1] Deleted Text: about

[2] Most likely, Ephraim Sherman, representative from Grafton (1710-1775).

[3] Deleted Text: A Pet of Jacob Chalcom Indian