
To His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq., Captain General, Etc., and To the Honorable, His Majesty's Council and House of Representatives in General Court Assembled


I proposing to Major Mayhew yesterday that Tisbury and Chilmark might be made one for the better carrying on all public affairs there, etc., it being absolutely denied, moveth your supplicant humbly praying this Honorable House that an act might pass, that all the lands on the north side of Chilmark and on the westerly of Chilmark, including all the west end of Martha’s Vineyard, be made payable in all public tax and rates to the Town of Tisbury.

The Committee to whom was referred the petition of the agents of the towns of Tisbury and Chilmark with the answer thereto and fully heard the parties are of opinion that the prayer be so far granted as that the Court of General Sessions of the Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas by law is to be held at Edgartown [ hole ] for said County of Dukes County on the last Tuesday of October annually, instead thereof for the future shall be held and kept a

To his Excellency Sir William Phips, Knight, Captain General and Governor in Chief of Their Majesties' Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, the Honored Council and Representatives Now Convened in General Assembly


To His Excellency The Governor and Council and Representatives in General Assembly


The Committee appointed to take into consideration the petition of the Reverend Zechariah Mayhew, Minister of the Gospel and Missionary to the Indians on Martha’s Vineyard, have attended that service and ask leave to report the following resolves.


To the Honorable Council, and to the Honorable the House of Representatives of the State of Massachusetts Bay
