
The poor Indian Proprietors of Gayhead met together, and by a vote, make this humble petition to you, the Honourable Commissioners and at Boston, and also the General Court, humbly beseeching you for us poor Indian Proprietors of Gayhead, earnestly pleading for our lands at Gayhead, we want that which is better for us for years to come, that we may have our fields, which the Guardians[1] have let out for six years, from October 20th 174

The Committee to whom was referred the petition of the agents of the towns of Tisbury and Chilmark with the answer thereto and fully heard the parties are of opinion that the prayer be so far granted as that the Court of General Sessions of the Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas by law is to be held at Edgartown [ hole ] for said County of Dukes County on the last Tuesday of October annually, instead thereof for the future shall be held and kept a