Deed from Shrowashk to Thomas Bird

This present writing made this 23rd day of February in the year of our Lord 1687 between Thomas Bird of Farmington in the County of Hartford in New England, on the one party, and Shrowashk, or otherwise called Tom's Squaw, Indian planter at the same town of Farmington, on the other party, witnesseth that the said Tom's Squaw for and in consideration of a steel trap and a hatchet and two bushels of Indian corn and for divers other good causes and considerations here moving thereunto hath sold, granted, alienated, bargained, and confirmed, and doth, by these presents, sell, grant, alienate, bargain, and confirm unto Thomas Bird, abovesaid, three small islands lying and being at the southward corner of the Indian Neck, being encompassed round with water and is and for a long time hath been in the possession of Thomas Bird or his predecessors and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, yearly profits, and additions whatsoever, parcels of land and singular the deeds and evidences touching or concerning the evidences, or any part of them, to have and to hold to the said Thomas Bird, his heirs and assigns, and to the only proper use and behoof of the said Thomas Bird, his heirs, and assigns forever, and the said Tom's Squaw doth covenant and promise to and with the said Thomas Bird that she, the said Tom's Squaw, hath full power, good right at the signing of these present to sell the same and every part of them, and that the premises shall from henceforth and forever remain and continue unto the said Thomas Bird, freely acquitted and clearly discharged of and from all manner of former and other bargains and sales, gifts, grants, donors, jointers, leases, rents, charges, uses, entails, judgments, forfeitures, executions, mortgages, fines, issues, and encumbrances whatsoever had been made or committed or willingly or willingly suffered to be done. by the said Tom's Squaw, her heirs, and executors, administrators, or assigns or by her or their means, consent, privity, or procurement, or by any other person or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming by, from, or under her or hers, or any of them, and that the aforesaid parcels of land shall at the cost of the said Thomas Bird be enrolled or recorded to him in the book of records of land for Farmington for the proper use and behoof him, the said the said Thomas Bird.
In witness whereof, I, the aforesaid Tom's Squaw, hath signed, sealed, and delivered this writing with my own hand, the day and year abovewritten,
Toms Squaw, mark and seal
February 23, 1687
Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of us witnesses, John Hart, John Porter
A true copy of the original writing received to be recorded, per John Hooker, Registrar, April 18, 1726