Summons for Job Cowles, Nathan Cowles, Elisha Cowles, and Nathanie Cowles

Whereas Nathaniel Cole, late of Farmington, in Hartford County, since deceased, when in full life (namely) the twenty-first day of February AD 1719/20 by his deed of bargain and sale of the same date, including a full and ample covenant of seizen, etc., among other pieces or parcels of land he, the said Cole, by said deceased for a valuable consideration sold and conveyed unto John Rew of said Farmington two pieces or parcels of land lying and being situate in the Township of Farmington aforesaid within the General Field (now called Common Field) at a place called the Indian Neck, the one of said pieces containing two acres, butting north on Samuel Judd's land, east partly on Samuel Judd's land and in part on Josiah Hart's land, south on Samuel Hooker, Jr's land, and west on Deacon John Hart's land, the other piece contains one acre butting north on Josiah Hart's land, east on Samuel Hooker, Jr.'s land, west and south on William Lewis' land, which said two pieces of land by mean conveyances was derived down to Jonathan Root of said Farmington and from him, the said Jonathan, two acres, being the two acres above-described is derived down by mean conveyances to William Wadsworth of said Farmington, Esq., the other piece above described by sundry mean conveyances is derived down to Daniel Newell of said Farmington, and whereas James Wawowos, one of the Natives of said Farmington and a branch of the Tunxis Tribe of Indians living in said Farmington, together with the rest of said tribe have by their petition now lying before the General Assembly of the Governor and Company of His Majesty's English Colony of Connecticut have challenged the said Newell and Wadsworth to surrender up said land to them, said Wawowos, etc., the present possessors of said land which said land is derived down from said Cole to said Rew and from him, said John Rew, by sundry mean conveyances is at present lodged in the possession of the aforenamed Wadsworth and Newell and whereas the said Nathaniel Cole is dead and has left Nathan Cole, Job Cole, Elisha Cole, and Nathaniel Cole, heirs and legal representatives of their father, Nathaniel Cowles, deceased, from whom they, the said Job, etc., received honorable portions and out sellings in the world.  These are therefore in His Majesty's name commanding you to make the said Job Cole, Nathan Cole, Elisha Cole, Nathaniel Cole, to know that they must appear before the General Assembly of the Colony aforesaid to be held at New Haven within said Colony on the second Thursday of October instant, to wit, that they appear before said Assembly on the first Tuesday next after said Thursday then and there to defend the said Newell and Wadsworth in the possession of the above described pieces of land as they will avoid the consequences.  Herein fail not but due return make.
Dated at Farmington, October 7, 1768, in the eighth year of His Majesty's Reign
The within summons was read within the hearing of the within named Nathan Cole, Job Cole, Elisha Cole, and Nathaniel Cole, Farmington October 8, 1768.  Test, Nathaniel Hart, Constable of Farmington (Fees 10/0)         
William Wadsworth, Esq., etc., v Job Cole, etc. Citation
180a, 180b