Summons for Thomas Hart Hooker

Whereas Josiah Hart, late of Farmington in Hartford County, by his certain deed of bargain and sale with covenants thereunto annexed dated the eighteenth day of February 1721/2 for a valuable consideration sold and conveyed unto Samuel Judd, then of said Farmington, now deceased, a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situate in the Township of Farmington within the common field at a place called the Indian Neck, containing one acre and a half of land butted as in said deed reference thereunto being had (viz.) easterly on land of Captain Ebenezer Steel in part and part on land of Jonathan Smith and part on land of Samuel Cowles’ heirs, west part on land of John Rew and part on land of Mr. Samuel Hooker, north on said Judd’s land in part and part on Captain Steel’s land and part on Jonathan Smith’s land, southerly on Mr. Samuel Hooker’s land, which described piece or parcel of land in the settlement of said Judd’s estate was set out to Annah Judd, daughter of said Samuel Judd, deceased, and whereas the said Josiah is deceased and in and by his last will and testament given the greater part of his landed interest unto his grandson Thomas Hart Hooker of said Farmington, and whereas James Wawowos, one of the Tunxis Tribe of Indians, together with the rest of said Tribe of Indians living in said Farmington have preferred their petition to the General Assembly of His Majesty’s English Colony of Connecticut in New England, therein demanding the surrendery of said parcel of land and claiming the same by force of a deed from the inhabitants of the Town of Farmington as included in that tract or parcel of land in said Farmington called the Indian Neck. 

These are therefore in His Majesty’s name to Hartford County Sheriff, his deputy, or to either of Farmington constables within said county, Greeting, commanding you to make the said Thomas Hart Hooker to know that he must be before the General Assembly of his Majesty’s English Colony of Connecticut to be held at New Haven within and for said colony on the second Thursday of October instant, to wit, that he appear before said Assembly on the first Tuesday next after said Thursday then and there to defend the said Anna Lewis alias Judd in the possession of the said described parcel of land against the claims of the said James Wawowos, etc., as he will avoid the consequences.  Herein fail not but due return make.

Dated at Farmington, October 7, 1768 and in the eighth year of His Majesty’s reign


Then I read this within citation in the hearing of the within named Thomas Hart Hooker.  Test John Newell, Jr., Constable of Farmington, Farmington, October 10, 1768 / Fees  £00.05.04


Anna Lewis alias Judd v. Thomas Hart Hooker / Citations as voucher


183a, 183b