Petition of George Belain and Other Gayhead Indians to the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of Massachusetts in General Court Assembled     

The undersigned, Indians and People of Color, residents of Gay Head, Martha’s Vineyard, respectfully represent that the sum of one hundred forty-nine dollars has been annually appropriated for the support of schools among us, and we petition Your Honorable body to continue the said appropriation of one hundred forty-nine dollars for the year 1867.1

And as in duty bound will ever pray,

Gay Head, January 31, 1867


$149 last year to John Mayhew, account of "society" [ illegible ]

Legislative Action:

Petition of George J. Belain and others for the continuance of an appropriation from the school fund for the support of schools among the Indians and People of Color at Gay Head. House of Representatives.  February 14, 1867.  By Mr. Davis of Edgartown/  Requests its reference to the Committee on Claims.  Sent up for concurrence.  W. S. Robinson, Clerk.  Senate. February 15, 1867.  Concurred,  S. N. Gifford, Clerk


No. 29

  • 1. The Resolve in Favor of Schools Among The Indians of Gay Head provided that the sum of one hundred and forty-nine dollars be paid out of the school fund to John Mayhew for the support of schools at Gay Head for the year 1867, provided that Mayhew shall make return of the expenditure of the money and the condition of the school at the following session of the Legislature. This document appears to be related to Mayhew's return for that year. Chap. 10, Acts and Resolves (Massachusetts, 1867), 763.