Deed from Catherine Charles to Thomas Wadsworth

To the Sheriff of the County of Hartford or His Deputy or to Either of the Constables of the Town of Farmington within said County: Greeting
Whereas, Dr. Thomas Wadsworth, of said Farmington on October 18, 1784 before Solomon Whitman, Esq., Justice of the Peace for the County of Hartford, recovered judgment  against Catherine Charles of said Farmington for the sum of four pounds lawful money debt and for the sum of nine shillings, two pence like money cost of suit as appears of record, whereof execution remains to be done, these are, therefore, by authority of the State of Connecticut to command you that of the money, goods, chattels, or lands of the [said] Catherine within your precincts you cause to be levied and the same being deposed of as the law directs paid and satisfied unto the said Thomas the aforesaid sums being four pounds, nine shillings, two pence lawful money in the whole with four shillings lawful money more for this writ, together with your own fees, and for want of such money, goods, or chattels of the said Catherine to be hers shewn unto you or found unto you or found within your precincts to the acceptance of the said Thomas for the satisfying the aforesaid sums, you are hereby commanded to take the body of the said Catherine and her commit unto the keeper of the goal in Hartford in the county aforesaid within the said prison, who is likewise hereby commanded to receive the said Catherine and her safely keep until she pay unto the said Thomas the full sums above mentioned and be by him released and, also, satisfy your fees. 
Hereof fail not and make due return of this writ with your doing thereon within sixty days next coming.
Solomon Whitman, Justice of the Peace
Dated October 19, 1784
By virtue of the within execution by direction of the creditor, I this day levied the within on seven acres of land, the property of the within named Catherine Charles, situated within the common fence, so-called, butted west on the highway. north on land of Catherine Quitchick, and east on land of Ezekiel Root Niles,[1] and south on land of Palmer Sweet and was appraised by Messrs. Timothy Root, Isaac Cowles, and Luke Wadsworth, indifferent freeholders under oath, at twelve shillings and six pence lawful money per acre.  The appraisers were appointed the one by the creditor, the debtor being absent, the other two by authority, have delivered the same to the creditor turf and twig,[2] according to law.  Test, Ezekiel Cowles, Constable, Farmington, December 13, 1784
Fees and charges, 10 shillings
We, the subscribers, being appointed and sworn according to law, did appraise the above-described land at twelve shilling and six pence per acre, Timothy Root, Isaac Cowles, Luke Wadsworth, indifferent freeholders, Farmington, December 13, 1784
A true entry of execution recorded December 13, 1784, per Solomon Whitman, Registrar                              
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[1] Possibly Ezekiel Niles Root.
[2] The turf and twig ceremony was a form livery of seisin in which a seller delivered to the purchaser a clod of dirt with a tree twig, symbolizing the legal transfer of property from one owner to another.  In feudal England, such a procedure was required by common law for all transfers of real property.  The practice was brought to the American colonies but saw limited use. Livery of seisin, The Free Dictionary.