Petition of John Jones, Attorney to Samuel and Zerviah Abraham Ompany, to the Massachusetts General Court

To His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq., Captain General and Commander in Chief, Etc., the Honorable His Majesty's Council and House of Representatives in General Court Assembled


The memorial of John Jones, agent to Samuel Ompany and Zerviah Ompany, Indians of Chilmark on Martha’s Vineyard, humbly sheweth that the petition herewith presented was laid before this Court in November last[1] and the House Representatives determined in favour of it, but the Council non-concurred, and at their session in January last, a Committee of both Houses were appointed to take the petition under consideration and report.  And your memorialist, being unable to attend, the said Committee made no report. Therefore, your memorialist prays that the said petition may be revived and considered at the present session.


And as in duty bound shall ever pray,


John Jones

Dedham, June 3, 1766



Memorial of John Jones, agent to Samuel and Zerviah Ompany Indians of Chilmark, June 3, 1766
