Response of the General Court of Massachusetts to the Petition of Thomas Sawin

In the House of Representatives  


In answer to the petition of Thomas Sawin, voted that the seventeen hundred acres[1] according to the plat presented to this Court by David Fisher be confirmed unto Messrs. Gookin [2]and How[3] (and the terre-tenants[4] holding under them) they and said terre-tenants paying ten pounds for surveying the land.  The thousand acres next to Sherborn to be reserved to the Indians, not to be disposed of but by order from this Court.

Legislative Action:

Sent up to the Lt. Governor and Council for concurrence. Penn Townsend, Speaker.  Read in Council.  December 9, 1690, and voted a concurrence. Isiah Addington





[1] The original deed to Gookin and How was for 200 acres.  Instead they marked off and kept 1700 acres.  For more information, See Petition of Thomas Sawin, 1695.02.27.00.

[2] Samuel Gookin

[3] Samuel How

[4] Terre-tenant, "one who purchases land after a lien of mortgage or judgment has attached." Merrian-Webster.