Petition of Moses and Joshua Waban to the Massachusetts General Court

To His Excellency William Shirley, Esq., Captain General and Governour in Chief in and Over His Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay, And to the Honorable the Council and the House of Representatives of Said Province Now Sitting in General Court or Assembly, March 23, 1742.


The Petition of Moses Waban and Joshua Waban (only surviving sons of Thomas Waban,1 late of Natick in said Province) do Humbly sheweth that your petitioners' said father in his lifetime was a principal proprietor in the Township of Natick and left his whole propriety unbroken, having never alienated any part thereof, and in imitation of their said father's example, they have been desirous to continue the same entire, but so it is that his widow2 (your petitioners' mother), being aged and infirm, is become the care and charge of your petitioners, who are also willing and desirous to the uttermost of their ability to provide for her support and comfort in every respect, and for that end principally (though not wholly) your petitioners. are desirous to build a comfortable house of English form as also in other respects to provide more comfortably for her than at present.  They are able, one of your petitioners especially (viz. Moses) being disabled thereto by a long and expensive fit of sickness, which besides loss of time has cost him twenty pounds, which he hath paid to doctors and has not yet attained to his full strength as before.


Your petitioners humbly pray Your Excellency and this Honourable Court to grant them license to make sale (in common and undivided right) of twenty acres of the undivided lands in Natick aforesaid, the produce upon such sale to be applied to the use or uses aforesaid as your Excellency and Honors shall see meet to direct and order.


And your petitioners shall ever pray, etc.,


Moses Waban

Joshua Waban


Legislative Action:

In the House of Representatives, March 31, 1742. Read and in answer thereto ordered that Captain Coolidge in such as the Honorable Board shall join be a Committee to examine fully into the affair, and if they think it necessary that they assist the petitioners in the sale of the lands herein mentioned, and apply the produce to the best advantage of the petitioners,.  They to render an account of their proceedings herein to this Court.  Sent up for concurrence.  J. Hobson, Speaker.  In Council, March 31, 1742.  Read and concurred with the amendment at A.  Sent down for concurrence, Josiah Williard Secretary.  In the House of Representatives, April 1, 1741,  Read and concurred, J. Hobson,.  Consented to, William Shirley



Petition of Moses Waban, etc.   Paid April 1, 1742. Foxcroft has a copy.



  • 1. Thomas Waban died in 1733 at Natick, Massachusetts.  Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988, Ancestry.
  • 2. The name of Thomas Waban's widow was not been identified.
  • 3. Deleted Text:  The Committee unto whom was referred the petition of Moses and Joshua Waban's, Indian planters of Natick, having considered the subject matter of this petition (and that according [ illegible ] set forth in said petition, there is but one of them that are more able to labour for to get a living (with some other particulars therein, mentioned) are of opinion that some suitable person or persons be appointed that live near the said Indians to [ illegible ] into further into the affair and if it shall then appear necessary and best to settle [ illegible ] either that there [ illegible ] shall direct and assist and [ illegible ] said Moses and Joshua in selling such a part of their lands and in improving the produce to the best advantage of the Indians as set forth in the petition, all which is humbly submitted by the committee [ illegible ] by order