
Wullumahchein, alias Black James, was a powwow or spiritual leader of Chabanakongkomun.  He had at least two sons, Simon and James.  After converting to Christianity, Wullumhchein was appointed constable over all the Indian Praying towns by Daniel Gookin.  He was a signatory to the June 25, 1675 treaty that pledged not to assist Philip but subsequently appeared to join forces with him.  Despite this, he survived the war and in 1682, he and other Native proprietors sold a tract of land in Quinebaug Country and retained rights to two parcels at Quantisset and at Maanexit.  However by the end of the year, at least half of their reserved lands (eight thousand acres) were conveyed to agents of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.  Twenty five years later, the Nipmuck sold remaining eight thousand to William Dudley. Connole, The Indians of the Nipmuck Country in Southern New England, 111, 162, 164, 236.

Black James
Before 1640
After 1708